five; the pollywog

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chapter five; the pollywog

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chapter five; the pollywog

Despite his Halloween sugar crash and crying himself to sleep the previous night, Teddy managed to be perfectly attentive in Mr. Clare's class the next morning. The class currently worked on a lesson focusing on a specific case with the brain. Quite interesting if you asked Teddy.

Teddy attentively payed attention, his legs swinging underneath his desk and his pencil scribbling down notes as Mr. Clarke talked. Even though he was completely immersed in the class, the boy noticed something in the front of the room:
Dustin wasn't in class.

Teddy knew he shouldn't be concerned. It was the day after Halloween after all. Plenty of kids slept in on the day after or just didn't show up to school. But his memories from last year couldn't fade from his mind... Teddy thought something to be off.

Mr. Clarke stood at the front of the room before a projection machine. There, a diagram of a skull flashed onto the chalk board. "The case of Phineas Gage is one of the greatest medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmarish accident. A large iron rod was driven completely through his head." He drew a line through the picture of the skull, "Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much so, that friends that knew him started referring to him as "No Longer Gage". At the time, this was known as the American Crowbar Case. Although it wasn't a—"

The door to the classroom slammed open, a loud distraction and disruption that turned all eyes in the direction of the noise. Dustin scurried in the room, panting and fumbling with his backpack. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Clarke. Really, I'm so sorry. Please continue with the class. Don't mind me." Teddy found it ironic that if he wanted to not be minded, he would've been quieter... oh well, that was just how Dustin was. The curly haired boy found the way to his seat and continued to struggle with his bag, even at his seat, "Really, continue, please. Thanks."

Mr. Clarke raised his eyebrow slightly, "although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said."

Mr. Clarke continued with his lesson, but Dustin and his friends leaned in close. Dustin must've been saying something to them. Again, Teddy wished to sit by them as he thought he was being left out of something, but Dustin turned around in his seat, making eye contact with him and Max. Teddy was no master at lip reading and couldn't understand what was being told to him from across the room.

Max leaned forward with furrowed brows. She was just as unsure of what Dustin said as much as Teddy. "Did you catch what he mouthed?" She whispered to the boy besides her. "All I got was lunch."

Teddy shook his head, "I didn't..."

"Dustin!" Mr. Clarke called out.

Dustin jerked back around in his seat, smiling toward the teacher, "Yes, my lord?"

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