twenty-four; run and hide

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chapter twenty-four; run and hide

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chapter twenty-four; run and hide

What was happening?

Teddy's mind blanked. His body tensed. Fear pumped through his body, his eyes widened in horror at the sight above him. The next minute or so became a complete and total blur to him. Perhaps that was a good thing. He hoped it would keep the trauma that would stem from this moment to a minimum. He swore he heard Mike shouting for his sister, but he couldn't even be sure of that. He could only hear his heart beating incredibly loud.

Did the world freeze? Did he freeze? Did... did he die? No... still breathing.

Other than that, he didn't know what was happening. Nothing seemed real. Nothing felt real, not anymore as a goopy, flesh monster towered from above, slamming away at the glass. He couldn't tell if it made a noise or a snarl, but its toothy mouth opened wide. It preyed on them like a lion stalking its prey... it was ready to pounce and kill.

They needed to move or else they would be dead. Crushed under the weight of the monster... or maybe its tentacle would grab out and stab them.

Teddy couldn't find it within himself to make that movement. Hell, he barely understood what was happening. It wasn't till Max gripped his arm that he snapped out of his frightened daze. Her mouth screamed something to him... but he couldn't hear her. Instinctively, Teddy reached for El's hand, lacing them together tightly as his legs moved.

They bolted. They ran for safety. They ran up the tiny stairs away from the middle. They ran for cover, practically diving behind a sales booth. Just in time too. As they left the courtyard, the monster slammed down onto the glass with its full force. The ceiling caved in, shattering to pieces... right where the four stood. In dropped the Mind Flayer's monster. Its tentacles slammed against the tile, taking down the Starcourt sign as it came inside. Debris, dust, and glass flew into the air as the monster sturdied itself. It stomped around, shrieking and snarling, practically covering the entire courtyard. It was huge—larger in person than the silhouette they saw outside Hopper's cabin. It roared out, trying to find those left inside.

The four ducked and covered just beyond where the monster fell in. The booth must've been for candy... or something since there were barrels and banners around. Teddy didn't pay attention to what it was. It was a hiding place, that's all that mattered. It was tight underneath the counter. Everyone's knees pressed tight against their chest so all four could fit.

Four... only four... there were more of them scattered around the mall. Where was Will? Where was Lucas? Where were Nancy and Jonathan? Everything happened so fast. Did the monster manage to get to them? Teddy didn't know... and that was the scariest part. The unknown let his mind start to conjure the worst outcomes. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost his friends... he experienced grief once with Will, and he didn't want to feel that empty again.

Mike's long-abandoned supercomm finally got the response he called for. "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" It was Dustin. Dustin! Oh, Teddy wished Dustin stayed. His friend must've been so worried... it was like he sensed something was wrong. "Griswold Family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you—" The creature's arm slammed into the table, picking up the supercomm and shrieking into it. Dustin's calls and shouts continued, "Griswold Family, do you copy?! DO YOU COPY?!" It roared into the supercomm once again before throwing it across the floor, shattering on the floor.

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