six; the love doctor

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chapter six; the love doctor

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chapter six; the love doctor

The complexity of teenager hormones and crush culture confused Teddy. Nothing made sense anymore. Nothing rarely made sense anyways in his life, but now, it was worse than usual. Stupid, desperate, intense-liking feelings pestered his mind all night ever since Dustin brought up his lacking love life and the possibility dating El. No fault to Dustin whatsoever, but no matter what Teddy did, they lingered and didn't want to leave. They came in ebbs and flows since his heart shattered on the Snow Ball, but they returned full force in recent months, begging to be acted on this time and not pushed away.

Teddy still did everything in his power to keep them down. He tried to sleep it off. Didn't work. He tossed and turned in his bed, trying to rid himself of the thoughts. He tried his favorite songs, but the occasional love song switched on and he'd give up. He tried warm milk and a snack to ready himself for sleep, but that only worked in the middle of the night. He tried his enemy of pacing... and still, nothing.

The beauty that was the dream of El stuck to him like glue. Her sparkling doe eyes, her soft hugs, her kind words... her everything. The girl of his dreams. 'A girl... with a boyfriend,' He forced himself to remember. Guilt riddled him from even thinking that. God, what was wrong with him? Why was he thinking like this? It was terrible. 'Let it go, Teddy.' He wanted others happy, and they clearly were (in his perspective)... but one thought came into his mind: When is it your turn?

His turn? Teddy never took a try in the game that was love, except in his feeble attempts to get with Eleven. Others never sparked an interest like she did, so... why try? If the prize is out of reach, what was the point? If a winner, Mike, got it, why try to steal it? (Well... Teddy didn't like that own metaphor he came up with as it seemed to objective women... but it almost cleared up his thoughts)

So why Teddy? Why can't you get over yourself and stop liking her?

Because... because Teddy still wanted it. Teddy still wanted to be with Eleven even after everything. He could never bring himself to hate her... and her perfect smile.

Maybe it was selfish. Maybe it was. But when could he ever be selfish? Not a day in his life did Theodore Chambers act on a selfish desire. He tried to do everything in the good interest of others, letting them take whatever they wanted and do whatever as long as they remained... happy. He kept quiet... for Mike, for El and their happiness (and his own fears of ruining what he had.) Teddy wasn't unhappy in all aspects in his life, but he wanted to be happy in his love life.

He couldn't stop thinking like this. Round and round in circles his mind ran. He needed someone to talk these feelings through. They ate him up inside and he needed to express it now in some way or it would make him worse. Teddy turned to the one man who could confide anything to: his father.

In the early hours of the morning, after a few intervals of sleep, Teddy slipped out of bed in search for Thomas. Even if he did get home late (and he luckily avoided getting in trouble with his mother) he knew this would be the only time the father-son could talk alone before the man went to work and with no interruptions from Eleanor. She would only make this conversation worse and more awkward than it already was going to be.

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