twenty-two; welcome to the party, thomas

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chapter twenty-two; welcome to the party, thomas

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chapter twenty-two; welcome to the party, thomas

(Trigger warning: implications of rape and emotional abuse!)

"Dad!" Teddy shouted, sprinting full speed forward toward Thomas. He couldn't believe his eyes. It had been days since he saw his dad, and god, did Teddy missed him. He missed his voice, his advice, his warm hugs and kisses. Teddy felt like a little kid again, rushing for his father to shield himself from the world. In his arms, nothing could hurt him. He wanted to feel that again. Thomas always welcomed him with open arms—he let his son run into him and engulf him tightly for a hug.

The father and son embraced, Thomas cradling Teddy's head into his neck. That warm loving embrace only a father could give their son. Both Chambers need this. They needed each other. Both had been through so much, stories both would tell each other over dinner once it was all over. "Teddy dear, I missed you."

"I missed you, dad." He whispered against the man's shoulder. Teddy slowly pulled back, looking his father in his brown eyes. His face shrunk back noting the deep purple and blue circling his eye. Pity and confused flooded him. How did that happen? What happened in Illinois? He had so many questions. "What happened to you?" Teddy mustered out with his voice barely above a whisper, his hand ghosting above his father's sore face.

Thomas pursed his lips together. He didn't care about himself. He focused on his son and his scars. The man noticed them. He noticed it all. The busted lip. The faint scratches on his arm. He recognized it... but he didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet. "What happened to you?"

Teddy crossed his arms. "I asked first."

Thomas chuckled softly. Defensive Teddy, always trying to protect his father. Thomas wished his son wouldn't think like that, but deep down he did appreciate the kindness. "It doesn't work like that, Teddy Dear. Oh, it's so nice to see you again." He pressed a loving kiss to the boy's forehead. The entire time he was gone, all he could do was worry about his son. Thomas pulled back again, his hands resting on Teddy's shoulders, to ask the daunting question, "This wasn't... was it?" He was vague. They knew who they were talking about. Thomas didn't want to be what he thought it was. He hoped he recognized it wrong. He hoped it wasn't... her. The hope dissipated when Teddy shamefully nodded his head.

Fury blinded Thomas. Of course she did. She always did. Teddy meant nothing to her, despite the promise she made that she'd change. "That woman. That cu—" He stopped his spits and swears before his son. He could've continued, and he would've, but given how many others were around, Thomas stopped. He did, however, continue to rant, "—I swear. I just saw her... she did this to me too. I wish I could've just—"

Teddy's eyes widened in fear. Thomas just saw Eleanor. Eleanor beat him horrifically. Eleanor was with Thomas. Eleanor was flayed... what more could she have done to his father? The boy's mind freaked. "What? W-where? How?"

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