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"In a town without a name, in a heavy downpour
Thought he passed his own shadow, by the backstage door"

"Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rainAnd that one guitar, made his whole life change"

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"Like a trip through the past, to that day in the rain
And that one guitar, made his whole life change"

As much as Theodore Chambers didn't want to admit it, it was true. He needed therapy. The nightmares, the trauma, the anxiety attacks—it was too much for him to carry on his own. The world started to trap him in a dark cage, remembering his mother's abuse and her attempt to kill him. He felt guilty, scared, as if no one else in the world knew of his struggles. He hated his mother and everything she ever did to him and his father, but he never wanted her to die. It was all so much on his own... and Teddy wanted to get better. He didn't want to keep repeating this anxious cycle, but didn't like how therapy was as a child with the divorce of his parents... he didn't want to repeat that either. However, his father Thomas Chambers was adamant about therapy. He didn't want his son suffering in silence, much like he had been, so together, the two Chambers men started therapy again.

But... it helped. It really did. Teddy saw himself progress. Even with the bump he hit in his recovery with his girlfriend El leaving Hawkins, he slowly started to become like his old self again. His goofy smile returned, he continued to be successful in school, and he even returned to his roots by joining the Hawkins Boy Scout troop, Troop 757. He excelled when the world expected him to fall. Thankfully he had an amazing support system of father and his friends, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. Teddy became closer to each of then individually, even though as a whole, the party suffered some fractures. Will and El were gone. The party that remained chose different activities at school and Max... well... she had her own issues. While she pushed everyone else away after Billy's death, she held on to the Chambers family. The two gingers bonded over shared trauma and, of course, music.

While some things stayed the same in his life, others started to change. That was a perk of growing up. People changed. Life changed. It was evident in his friend group but also the world around them. His father started to see a new woman! Teddy started high school! Teddy needed to admit that he changed... but "only a bit," he claimed. He was still his usual self only... grown up.

Despite his awkwardness, he managed to find himself intermingled with a different group than before; with his Boy Scout troop connections, he became the historian on the student government at Hawkins High—he was talking to people besides his closest friends... he was actually talking to a lot of people. People knew who he was. It was a learning curve, but he thought it was good for himself. Teddy Chambers was no longer viewed as the quiet loser from England who stuttered any chance he got and only spoke when spoken to. No, Teddy Chambers was the awkward historian who everyone loved and could go to if they needed help... he still stuttered sometimes, they just "needed to give him a minute."

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