prologue; welcome to america

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prologue; welcome to america

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prologue; welcome to america

This whole situation was odd to the twelve-year-old Theodore Chambers. The move from his home in Britain to the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, stressed him out. It stressed him to the point he thought he was going to die.

His thoughts dreaded the possibility of having to start all over again. What if he didn't like it? What if all the other kids in this town hated him? What if?
He freaked and worried as the move date came closer and closer.
He wished he didn't have to move.
He wished they could stay home, but he wanted the best for his father and his new job as a journalist in this town- so he tried not to complain about it. He tried to ignore those thoughts of negativity and think positive!
Theodore wasn't much of a bitter person. On that contrary, he was quite optimistic. In fact, he was trying to find the good things about moving here.


He still had to thinking about it.

A piece of him knew it wasn't going to be as bad as what he was telling himself. He just wanted to be home with what he was comfortable with. Just him, his father and Dewy in their flat right in the center of London.
Moving here put him out of his comfort zone. He had to make new friends and get used to a new neighborhood and do... normal American kid things? (Was it different than being a British kid? Do they just shoot guns all day?)
He just hoped it wasn't going to be terrible and that life would be... fun here.

He'd make the move good- for his father.

The ginger nervously tapped his foot as he arrived in the airport in Indianapolis, not far from Hawkins, holding his luggage and a cat crate.
They were actually here... in America...
He gulped, eyes flickering from person to person.
So many people- so many people!
Yes, London had tons of people but the boy knew his way 'round London. He didn't know anything about this place.

A tall man by the name of Thomas Chambers, Theodore's father, placed his hand on his son's shoulder.
Side by side, Teddy was a spinning image of his father— same tired eyes that lit up easily, a goofy grin, and slightly tinted gingery hair (but Teddy's hair was far more red than his father's)
"Finally... America." Thomas let out a breath of air with a grin, "How's it looking so far, Teddy?"

"people... so many people!" Teddy sputtered.

"that's... normal. There were tons of people in London. There will be less people in Hawkins, I can assure you that. It'll be like living in Leicester when you were little."

"Wasn't Leicester a city?"

"It's a smaller city than London... like I said, less people."

"Positive?" Teddy asked. His foot tapping slowed down as he looked up to his father. A little less people would help his nerves.

Thomas smiled softly at his son, nodding his head, "I'm positive. Come on. We've gotta get moving if we want to beat traffic."

The boy returned the smile and followed behind his father, wanting to believe that this move would be good.

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