five; suzie, do you copy?

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chapter five; suzie, do you copy?

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chapter five; suzie, do you copy?

Sweat beaded across Teddy's forehead as he trotted up the grassy hill with his friends. He adjusted the heavy bag in his hands so one could be free to wipe his face, then dried said hand on his shorts. The party tracked up the hill with the goal of reaching the tallest point in Hawkins to set up Cerebro for Dustin. Hawkins was a relatively flat place... in town. Anywhere outside had some raise on the ground. Perfect for setting up a radio for communicating long distances.

This Suzie must've meant the world to Dustin because to trudge in this heat? It was miserable. The sun bore down on them for over two hours already as they could only walk with all the equipment. The heat was blazing, and to say a majority of the party was tired, annoyed, or hot would be an understatement.

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas complained.

"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin responded, still leading the group with his head held high. Seems like heat didn't effect someone in love.

Teddy furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side, "When did you start using the metric system?"

"To make myself sound smarter." Dustin countered with a proud smile.

"Ahh..." Teddy slowly nodded his head, trying his best to not laugh at his friend. Smarter. The metric system was the easiest thing he learned in primary school, and it wasn't common at all to use in the states. "I know its a scientific thing to use it... but you don't really sound smarter to everyone else in the world since we already use it."

"Shh. Let me have my moment."

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max pointed out.

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon."

"Oh shit, she doesn't have electricity?" Lucas questioned.

Max, originally slightly peeved at the stupid question from her boyfriend, corrected him, "Oh, that's the Amish."

"What are Mormons?" Will asked.

Teddy knew. He got bored one day with his dad, and not being fairly religious people themselves, they decided to study up on some big religions. Buddhists, Jews, and a lot of denominations of Christianity as that was what most Indiana public libraries had books on. So, Teddy wanted to tell the others exactly what he knew, reciting from his memory as if he read it straight from a book, "Mormons are the people of the religion Mormonism. Obviously. It is the principal denomination of the Church of Latter Day Saints...or something like that... it was a movement of what is called Restorationist Christianity started by their prophet Joseph Smith and—" His ramble slowed and eventually stopped when he could sense the others giving him confused looks. Oops. Too much. He simplified it, "um... s-simple put, they-they're very religious white people."

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