seventeen; flipping white vans

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chapter seventeen; flipping white vans

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chapter seventeen; flipping white vans

Teddy realized something on his way back to Mike's house. Something he always knew in the back of his head, but now truly accepted it: How much he liked Eleven and how much he cared for her.
Yes, he always cared about her since they first met and Yes, his other friends cared for her... but there was something different to the way Teddy and El behaved together compared to the others...

What took Teddy so long to agree with himself is a mystery. Maybe it was his crippling anxiety plaguing him with thoughts that he would never be good enough for her. Maybe it took almost losing her for his brain to officially realize that this girl was his entire world and without her, he'd be crushed. Maybe it was a combination of both.

Now that he's accepted what his heart was crying out for, what was he supposed to do? Just tell her? No, he couldn't do that... Would she even understand his feelings? Would he even be able to articulate them? Besides, he didn't want to ruin what they already had–a friendship.

The boys and El returned back to Mike's house, dropping their bikes outside the door that lead into the basement. Teddy, ecstatic on having El back, helped her off the back of Mike's bike with a grin. She returned the smile which only causing Teddy's heart to flutter.

But in one second, Mike took El's arm and lead her away from Teddy into the house. Teddy tilted his head, slightly confused as to why Mike was rushing the girl into the house... both him and Dustin hurried in behind them.

Mike walked El to the bathroom to clean her up. The ginger noticed this and quickly dropped his bag to the floor, taking out Boy Scout in a record time to keep up with the two. In Teddy's head, it was a good idea to give her the bear while either of the boys helped clean off her face.

He followed the two toward the bathroom. Just as he got to the door, Mike put his hand out, stopping Teddy from entering the bathroom, "No, I've got it. I'll help her. We don't need all of us in here." He told him.

"But–" Teddy began, only for Mike to cut him off.

"Teddy, just wait."

"I was just going to give her Boy Scout back..." Teddy said, slightly lifting the bear in his arms so Mike would understand his thought process

Mike scoffed, unamused by his friend. "Really? She needs that stupid bear right now?"

Teddy was taken aback by this... even slightly offended. The bear wasn't stupid! Teddy just wanted to help El... "Boy Scout is not stupid. It's a Teddy Bear. It's job is to bring comfort." He defended, "El loves the bear, it's brings her comfort. Mike, look at her. She looks scared and drained. I think it makes perfect sense." He explained, gesturing toward the girl staring into the mirror, not out any mind to the two boys at the door.

Mike raised his eyebrow at Teddy. The ginger eye's lit up as he took a step forward toward the door. Maybe Mike finally understood. But, the raven haired boy just rolled his eyes and closed the bathroom door on Teddy's face. Teddy jumped at the sudden door slammed in his face.

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