two; friendships

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chapter two; friendships

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chapter two; friendships

Teddy craved death.

Seriously, he did.

He'd rather die than stand in front of his new peers and talk. All those people... staring at him. Their eyes piercing his soul, silently judging him.
He hated it.

Yet, he had no choice.

Mr. Clarke already spotted the boy once the door opened and waved away the principal.
Mr. Coleman gave Teddy a little nudge of encouragement before turning away and leaving.


Now he actually had to go into the class.

The ginger's cheek brightened to the color of his hair. He bashfully trudged to the middle of the room, past where Mr. Clarke was lecturing the class, trying to get out of an introduction.
He hated introductions in school—saying your name in front of everyone while they watched wasn't very fun to him. It was full of judgment and that was pure torture to the boy.
Teddy wanted to find his seat and hide from the world... that's all he asked for.

"Woah, there. You can't just walk in without a proper introduction! Everyone else knows each other. Come on back up here so we can all meet you!" Mr. Clarke said with an eager grin on his face.
Teddy sighed and walked back toward Mr. Clarke with his head down.

"Dustin, we need a drumroll!"

'Ah, so all these kids must have had Mr.
Clarke before' Teddy noted to himself.
A boy, obviously Dustin, rapidly tapped his fingers on top of his desk.

"Ladies and Gents, Americans and Brits~"  Mr. Clarke grinned as he put on an awful British accent.
Teddy cringed, trying to hide his face of slight disgust from how awful the impression was. He wasn't trying to be mean- just sometimes... Americans' accent-impersonations were awful... specifically when it came to British accents.
'God. Stop him.' He thought, hiding himself even more. 'or stop me and strike me dead here'

"We welcome, all the way from across the Atlantic Ocean, another passenger on our curiosity voyage, Theodore!"

The drumming on the desk stopped as his name was announced.
He didn't think it'd be possible for his face to go any redder- if it did, he'd probably explode.
Everyone's eyes were on him. The room grew silent as they all watched him, eyeing him as if he were their prey.
Teddy thought they already hated him.

"can-can I go to a desk now?" He mumbled quietly, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Oh, yes. You can sit in the back row where that empty desk is." He pointed toward the back of the room. "Welcome Theodore."

"you could just call me Teddy." He said, voice barely above a whisper, as he shuffled to his seat. Four boys, the same four boys he saw earlier that morning, turned around in their desks to watch Teddy get comfortable in his seat. He glanced up and made direct eye contact with them. Immediately, he blushed again.
'Could they all stop staring at me?!'
He looked down at his feet, kicking away underneath his desk.

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