twelve; the upside down

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twelve; the upside down

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twelve; the upside down

Teddy felt like he was on cloud nine, ecstatic and nearly invincible. He began the day in such a mopey and depressed mood, but now... everything was turning around for the better. Eleven helped Teddy by giving Troy a taste of his own medicine and now... she was going to find Will... Teddy couldn't be in more adoration of the girl.

The boys, and El, piled back into the AV room at the speed of light. One, to avoid any more attention to themselves that was already caused, and Two, to find Will.

"C'mon." Mike ushered everyone into the room, leading El to the HealthKit sitting on the desk. The boys gathered around the table as El sat down in a chair.

"Now what?" Dustin asked.

"She'll find him." Mike told him before slowly turning to the girl sitting in the chair, "right El?"

El doesn't respond. Mike and Teddy reached forward to turn the nobs on the HealthKit, turning up the radio static to help her during her search for their friend. Teddy noticed El's cold glare at the wall before her as she readied to help the boys.

"You can do it, El." Teddy softly encouraged her with a gentle hand squeeze.

She slowly turned her head, meeting Teddy's eyes. Her doe eyes softened and a tiny smile rose on her lips. She grew stronger just with the little bits of encouragement she felt from Teddy. Teddy's cheeks blushed slightly at the eye contact as he let go of her hand, backing away to give her some room to focus. El returned to close her eyes and maintain a strong focus on her thoughts.

"She's doing it! She's finding him!" Mike eagerly exclaimed.

"This is crazy..." Dustin muttered.

"Crazy... but cool." Teddy responded with a grin.

Lucas scoffed, "Calm down, she just closed her eyes."

As if on cue, the lightbulb above them burst, leaving the room in darkness besides the small light from a lamp on the HealthKit. The four boys jumped at the sound and the sudden lack of light. Teddy wasn't a huge fan of the dark, it brought back memories he didn't wish to relive... he nearly whimpered at the sudden loss of light, but remembered what they were doing this for... finding Will. It wasn't about him. It didn't matter if he was uncomfortable. They were trying to save their friend..

"Holy–" Dustin began swearing, but stopped once hearing noise from the radio.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Over and over, the clanging noise repeated, only growing louder with each passing second. The boys leaned in close as if getting closer to the radio will help hear what's going on.

"What is that?" Dustin asked.

"I... don't know." Teddy whispered, his breath hitching at the sound. He... he didn't like this. Better yet, his anxiety didn't like this.

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now