fifteen; waiting-room confessions

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chapter fifteen; waiting-room confessions

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chapter fifteen; waiting-room confessions

Waiting. That's all they could do now. Play the waiting game. Wait for Nancy and Jonathan to return from Mrs. Driscoll's room while everyone else stayed in the "waiting" room of the hospital. It wasn't ideal, far from it, far from the original plan.

Apparently, the hospital changed its rules since the last time Teddy and his friends were at the hospital less than 2 years ago, because now, they only allowed two visitors per patient. Knowing Mrs. Driscoll was flayed, they didn't want to split up and Nancy wanted everyone to go with her. Sneaking by reception would be their only option for all of them to see Mrs. Driscoll. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Nancy led them in through the sliding front doors, glancing at the front desk as they past. The receptionist appeared busy talking on the phone. They tried to walk by without a word, Teddy started to listen in to her conversation, "—See, you're the only one who gon' tell–whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me!" She called out, setting the phone on the counter. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The lady rested her hand on her hip as she stared down the group, "where do you think you're going?"

Nancy slowly turned around and pressed on a smile, "Oh... um... I was just going to visit my grandma again." She told her. She slowly motioned toward the kids, "and-and this... this is my family."

The woman didn't believe Nancy. Her eyes bounced to the two gingers who waved to her before she eyed Lucas suspiciously. Lucas flashed a smile, unaffected by her disbelief, "Extended." Teddy held back a little giggle, covering his mouth to not blow their cover.

"I don't care who they are. You know the rules. Two visitors at a time."

"Yeah, but—"

"Two." The receptionist harshly repeated. She picked the phone back up as she sat back down, talking to the other person on the line about them, "girl, this child has lost her mind. She brought a whole zoo in here."

So, here the party was in the lobby where Jonathan and Nancy left them. Waiting. Waiting wasn't any fun.

Teddy bee-lined to the vending machine as it didn't want to stand around looking like an idiot. And he was craving chocolate of some kind. He dug through his short pockets to pull two crumpled bills out for two sweets: Reece's Pieces and a KitKat, 60 cents and 50 cents respectively. He punched in the letters and numbers for them, a wide smile rising on his face as the candy fell from its spot with ease. He bent down for the candy and shoved the loose change back into his shorts. Lucas and Mike came to his side just as he started to walk away.

Lucas almost grabbed Teddy's arm, but the ginger slipped out. The other boy's face softened, "Don't you wanna stay?"

"I got my candy already. Thanks." Truthfully, Teddy would've stayed with just Lucas or even Will. But Mike was there too. Busy with the machine albeit, talking about how he wanted Kit Kats, but he was still there. What did Teddy do to make Mike so angry at him? Exist? That had to be the only explanation. He didn't want to be around that. The Chambers boy made his way to El and Max, who stood in the corner with the magazines.

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