four; ordinary day...

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chapter four; ordinary day

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chapter four; ordinary day...

For Teddy, November 7th began as any ordinary day... well, as ordinary as Monday's in Hawkins would be.

The boy groggily awoke minutes before his alarm went off, just as he did every morning. He always hated how loud it was... it was an overwhelming sound to wake up to so the boy sought out to always awake before the alarm... yes, it technically defeats the purpose of an alarm, but Teddy didn't care. Loud noises like that bothered him.
It was like a competition within himself to beat the alarm!

He waited the extra minutes on the edge of bed, rubbing his eyes, trying to adjust his surroundings and being awake. As the alarm went off, he carefully turned it off within moments of it going off. He stumbled out of bed out to the main area of the house, as if he was looking for something, even though he was alone.

Like every morning, his father hurried to work at a relatively early hour leaving the boy alone in his house. It never bother Teddy, it's just how it worked. He'd see his father at the end of the day anyways.

A small note rested on the kitchen counter, waiting to be noticed by Teddy:

Gone to work.
(Like every morning.. but I always like to remind you)
See you tonight
Chinese takeaway for dinner sound okay?
I'll be home around 4:30
Have a nice day at school
Love you

Teddy chuckled softly with a huge grin on his face as he read the note.
Yes, his dad left these notes every morning in the exact spot... and yes, they were quite simple...but they never failed to make him smile. It was a nice reminder to stay positive throughout the day... and how couldn't he when these notes cheered him up every morning?

And just like every morning, Teddy found himself with a bowl of Cheerios at the kitchen table, reading the newly printed press from that morning, trying to scope out of his father had an article in the paper. Sometimes he did, other times he didn't... but Teddy would feel a wave of pride, reading his father's work. That was his dad! In the paper! He knew how hard that man worked and believed he deserved to have an article in every paper (but he may be a little biased...)

After being nose deep in the newspaper for some time, the boy slowly picked up his head and read the clock... he then realized how much time he spend reading and how little time he had left to finish getting ready. He dropped the paper and bolted to his bedroom. Despite being in a rush, he still took his time to make sure his shirt was neatly tucked into his trousers and his hair was combed perfectly. He always had to look like he cared, otherwise, his mind would be plagued with thoughts that someone was judging him for not looking nice enough...

He finished packing his school bag with what he need for the day. He held the bag in his hands and rushed to the front door to grab his coat and hat. Once finished with carefully button each button, he adjusted the bag on his shoulders and made his way out the door toward his bike to start his ride to meet his friends.

Teddy Bear (STRANGER THINGS)Where stories live. Discover now