fifteen; make up or break up

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fifteen; make up or break up

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fifteen; make up or break up

Teddy couldn't sleep that night... How could he have? El ran away and he didn't have a clue where to find her. He prayed she returned back to Mike's later that night, but Teddy knew prayers rarely worked. He just hoped she found her way back to Mike's.

In his heart, he knew he should've comforted El in the junkyard as he hated seeing her cry, but his head and heart told him to help Lucas who was in pain.
El did hurt his friend, but Teddy pinpointed that it must've been an accident. El was too kind to hurt her friends, intentionally at least since she did hurt Lucas... it tore Teddy apart thinking about yesterday evening.

Now it was a Saturday morning in Hawkins. On a normal Saturday morning, Teddy would've found himself in front of the TV, watching Saturday cartoons followed by spending the afternoon with his father or his friends. Obviously, this was no normal Saturday morning. Teddy paced around his kitchen, occasionally checking his watch for the time Dustin agreed to meet at his house. The only sounds echoing in the house were Teddy's frantic footsteps.
Thomas tended to work early Saturday morning and be off for most of the afternoon which left the house alone to the boy.
so Teddy left a note for his father upon his return:

Hanging out with my mates. I'll be home for dinner.
I Love You
Teddy  :)

Finishing the note with a small smiley face, Teddy placed the note on the kitchen counter top besides Dewy; that fat cat sometimes had a tendency to sleep on the kitchen counters but no one had a problem with it. The boy furiously rubbed the top cat's head as a wake up call and also a little dig to annoy him. Dewy slowly opened his eyes and his cold eyes stared directly into Teddy's soul, expressing his discontent for the boy. Teddy just kept a small smile on his face and leaned forward, hugging the body of the cat. Little hugs from Dewy calmed down the rising anxiety throughout his body. Despite Dewy being quite an antisocial cat, he understood that Teddy enjoyed cuddles when anxious, thus bared them begrudgingly so he'd get fed later that day...

"Bye buddy, I'll see you later. You can get back to your morning nap." He whispered, rubbing the cat's ears on last time before walking out of the house.

Upon closing the front door and fumbling with his keys to lock up the house, the ginger turned toward the street to see Dustin furiously waving at him. Teddy softly chuckled at his friend whose presence calmed the boy's current anxiety problems. The boy quickly ran into the garage to get his bike and made his way down to Dustin who still hadn't stopped waving. Teddy waved back in Dustin's face, a tiny taste of his own medicine. Playful teasing of course. The two burst into a small fit of giggles as they pushed off to begin their ride. There were reasons Dustin was an amazing friend, but the main one that helped right now was his upbeat and caring attitude, it helped keep Teddy off edge... for a short amount of time.

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