two; mummy issues

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chapter two; mummy issues

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chapter two; mummy issues

Teddy had mommy issues. Surprise surprise. No, it was no surprise. If one couldn't tell already from how his thinking was, he constantly worried he'd turn out like her. Deep rooted anxiety issues stemmed from growing up with her around and her selfish actions. His flinches during fights and shouting? His over-the-top reactions? All her fault. Vivid childhood terrors revolved around her and that nightmare of her returning into his life once again to reign like a tyrant.

No one in Hawkins knew her, perhaps for the best. Who was this treacherous woman haunting the Chambers' minds?

Eleanor Wright was her name, manipulation was her game. A game she had been playing since she was young.

She was born in Dublin, Ireland and moved to Leicester, England at a young age. She was an only child with two terrible parents. To say, loving others was not something she was taught. They didn't love her and she didn't love them back. They fought with their words and actions, beats and threats, manipulation and gaslighting, Eleanor took it all in. She learned how to be just like them.

She left home right when she could to make a name for herself (and her parents kicked her out). An intelligent woman as herself finished her studies in business and politics. She finessed her way behind the scenes in both businesses and the political machine, lobbying and playing the stock market, working with other corrupt men to get her way and an agenda through.

She did this for a few years before she wanted something else in life. Someone else. She didn't feel love, not in any normal way, but thought to get herself out there for a long term thing, not the little flings she kept having. She thought she could play the love game just how she worked, with lies and threats.

Thomas Chambers, the dorky long-haired 19-year-old journalism student at the university in the city, crossed paths with her at a pub. For worse or better. He was awkward, but sweet. Very smart with a tendency to ramble on and on for hours. His passion lied in his career and never thought of getting into a relationship that young. He only had two girlfriends before meeting her and didn't always know what to say. Eleanor liked that... something innocent.

A sexual relationship sparked first. It was supposed to be casual, Eleanor directing it that way like all other relationships with other men... she was older than Thomas, much older, 25 to his 19, and didn't see him much more than a pleasure tool after their original and first few meet ups.

Thomas, on the other hand, found himself enchanted, enamored, absolutely in love with Eleanor after only the first few weeks. He fell hard and he fell fast. She was a sight, a gorgeous woman with the brains to match with a sense of charisma that just charmed those around her. She hid her true self so he could only see the best parts. He liked what he saw (even if he didn't know it was fake). He was still very young, very inexperienced in the real world, and receiving attention from an "older" woman (let alone someone from the opposite gender) made him feel all kinds of things. He didn't see himself as much of a looker and lacked self confidence, so to have someone want him made him giddy.

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