nine; dead

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nine; dead

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nine; dead

Teddy couldn't wait to leave school that day. The thoughts of being a monster hunter hung around in his mind after recess and that they'd find will. It got his adrenaline pumping and his hopes high up. They could find Will... they could do it! They'd be town heroes!

But some other... not so good things stuck around in his mind too. Those words Troy said to him plagued his brain... almost too much, almost overpowering his happy thoughts.
Those words weren't true, Teddy knew that, but his brain tried so hard to convince him that maybe, just maybe, they were true. That was the worst part about anxiety, convincing yourself that something that obviously wasn't true to be factual. It was awful.

Teddy powered through it. He knew he could. And if the thoughts of finding Will couldn't help him, he'd just think about El and how sweet she was to him... that definitely made the thoughts go away.

At 3 o'clock, The four boys bolted out of their last period and to the bike racks to get a move on back to Mike's house to pick up Eleven. It was finally time for "monster hunting" aka Operation Mirkwood (Or Operation Find Will as Teddy still called it)

Their bikes zoomed down the road nearly at full speed to make it back by the time they promised the girl:
Teddy knew they couldn't break that promise. He was trying to build up trust with the girl and a good start was fulfilling those promises. As simple as they were, El seemed very skittish around certain things and Teddy absolutely hated seeing her uncomfortable.. thus began Teddy's fight to make El as comfortable as possible... starting with that bead and continuing with never breaking promises with her. He believed it was a good start.

Once arriving at Mike's place, the boys hopped off their bikes to push them into the backyard of the house where El would be waiting for them. In honesty, Teddy was so happy to see El again... despite it only being a few hours. He knew something about her that just made his heart smile.

In the distance, Teddy could make out the silhouette of a small girl, which Teddy assumes to be Eleven. As he got closer, he noticed something peculiar about the girl. El faced the fence, in some daze. She seemed so out of it.

"El!" Mike and Teddy called.

El whipped around at the sound of her name, jumping as she did so. Fear shone in her eyes as her breath was quick...

"Are you all right?" Teddy asked, concern rising as he saw her expression. He thought something happened and was ready to help he did need be.

"You okay?" Mike added.

El nodded her head, fiddling with the sleeves of the blue jacket she now had on.
Teddy sighed in relief, his own anxiety slowly once he knew she was okay.

"You can get on the back of my–" Teddy eagerly told her, wanting to be close to her, well– started to tell her, but his small, quiet was over powered by the one and only Mike Wheeler.

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