fifteen; can't believe it

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chapter fifteen; can't believe it

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chapter fifteen; can't believe it

Teddy fiddled with the cord of the Byers' phone on the wall, debating on calling his father. Hopper granted him permission to use the phone, more than likely because he knew Teddy would spiral like he did last year if he didn't talk to his father. Teddy continued to overthink to himself about simply picking up the phone. Teddy loved his father. He was all he had left in the entire world. He didn't want the man to worry. He did so much for him... and this was how he paid it back, being secretive. That's what made Teddy go through with calling Thomas. He started to muttered to himself, "He's got to pick up... right? Right? He's gotta be worried... does this make me a bad son...?"

Max heard the mumblings and anxious tapping from the kitchen, where she had been working with helping the others prepare the shed outside to keep Will in. She didn't say anything right away, merely watching the other ginger. When Teddy finally turned around, jumping when he was someone was next to him, she spoke, "What are you doing?"

After catching his breath from Max startling him, Teddy answered, "Calling my dad." He finished dialing the number and adjusted the phone to his ear, "he's got to be worried. Hopper said I could."

"You do know the time, right Theo?"

Oh god... his dad must be worried sick. He promised to be home by dinner. He promised to call if his plans were changing. Teddy nodded his head slowly, "...yes."

Max backed away and let the other ginger have his space to talk alone. Teddy took numerous deep breath to calm his nerves. The line barely ran for an entire ring before someone on the other side picked up. "Chambers' Residence, Thomas speaking."

Teddy hesitated to speak. What if Thomas was mad at him? What if he tried to come get him and got hurt in the process? What if his dad never wanted to talk to him again because of this?


No. Thomas Chambers would never be in such a rage at his own son. Teddy knew that. He knew better than that. Thomas Chambers would never behave like his ex-wife... so Teddy gulped and managed to speak, "Hi dad..."

There was an extreme shift in the man's tone of voice: from tired and monotonous as he mutters out the same phrase when he picks up the phone to incredibly concerned (and very upset) father. "Theodore Winslow Chambers, do you know the time?"

Teddy winced and physically recoiled. Full named. "Near midnight." He squeaked, shrinking back into his sweater as Thomas spoke. 'Calm down. Calm down. It's just your father. He is just trying to parent.' He thought to himself.

"And you call me now? What did I tell you?"

"Call before it gets dark if I'm staying out. I know. I know. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I swear it was an accident—" Teddy started to spew out his apologizes. Truly, he didn't want to make his father upset, that was far from what he wanted. He wanted him safe. This was Teddy's problem. He was still a child trying to act like an adult in certain situations.

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