seven; superpowers!

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seven; superpowers!

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seven; superpowers!

Teddy awoke that next morning in pure bliss for the first time in a long time. Not that he forgot all about his missing friend, oh no... but just a new, nice thought kept replaying in his head throughout the night.

That new, nice thought was a person... a girl. An estranged girl they found in the forest the previous night. His heart swelled happily, his stomach filled with fluttering butterflies and his cheeks flushed even at the thought of her... but this was normal? Teddy believed it must've been. People always thought this much about new people and always made them this happy? Right? That was the only plausible idea to the ginger.

But here's the real fact Teddy wouldn't admit:
He was crushing on a girl he met last night... and crushing hard.

Teddy rolled out of bed to get ready for school. And again, El still couldn't leave his mind. There was just something about her... it was driving his brain insane how he couldn't just let this thought go. His smile glowed as he practically floated out of his room to find a note from his father that would only make his morning even better:

Good Morning!
We need to have a little talk about last night. Nothing bad, just need to ask a question. (Please don't stress out about it. I know how you get)
Have a good day at school
Love you!

And suddenly, reality hit... and the world crashed back down on Teddy. What they did last night... sneaking out like that! They could get arrested! What if his dad found out he snuck out to try to find Will? Oh, he'd never ever be able to leave the house ever again...
Though last night had its perks, the thought of getting caught stressed the boy out.

How Teddy could go from being in a sweet daze to stressed in a span of a minute still baffled himself... it's just how he was....

But no matter!

Push through it Teddy!

He wouldn't let those thoughts ruin his day! Mike would get El to a safe home (which did slightly upset the boy as he still wished for her to stay around) and tonight, they'd find Will!

Teddy walked into Mr. Clarke's classroom with a huge grin plastered on his face and a pep in his step. Dustin and Lucas already sat in their seats, waiting for class to start. Since Teddy's seat was still in the back of the class, he leaned against Dustin's desk to talk to his two friends already in class, but he was barely even paying attention to them as he still was in a daze.

Lucas noticed Teddy's dreamy gaze and the boy not paying attention to their conversation, "Woah... someone's extremely happy. What's the occasion?" He questioned with a slight eyebrow raise.

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