twenty-two; goodbye

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chapter twenty-two; goodbye

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chapter twenty-two; goodbye

'All this running,' Teddy thought as his sneakered feet slammed onto the tiled floor of the school and as he gasped for air, 'all this running for what? I hate running!' Running for safety! Running to keep El safe! Running to not... you know... die! (yeah, that was a good reason to run)

Here the five were... again... running... again. This time they were running from the bad men... wait they already ran from them today. They were running from the bad men again, because they found them and were determined to get El back. Under no circumstances would Teddy allow them to take her. Never. Over his dead body.

The children bolted from the cafeteria, leaving behind all the pudding they dragged out and ran. Ran as fast as their little unathletic prepubescent bodies would go. In the distance, footsteps stomping could be hear, but they need to keep going or else those footsteps would get louder and they'd be found.

Lucas led the group as the others followed right behind him. They needed to stay together as a group. Five was always better than just one. Teddy and El ran side by side, hands tightly intertwined, a sign of their connection and assurance to each other that they were right there and would never leave. It was comforting to the ginger as his anxiety slowly climbed through the roof with each step.

"How did they find us?" Lucas questioned, turning back to fast the group as they began slowing down to catch their breaths (they were still speed walking though)

"I don't know." Mike replied

"They must've known we were somewhere around here..."  Teddy continued, pondering what gave them away.

"Lando." Dustin mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

Teddy gulped at the thought. Something gave them away–maybe someone? No. Not possible. But what if–? The thoughts invaded his mind and clouded his thinking. He softly whimpered to himself, his fearful tears rising in his eyes with each and every passing thought in his brain.

The group moved down the hall towards two double doors. Until those doors violently swung open revealing bright lights in their faces and tall figures.

It was the bad men. They were caught.

"Got 'em!" Random agent shouted.

The five turned on their heels and bolt back in the direction they came from.
"Go, go, go, go, go!" And "Come on!" were among the various things shouted from the boys. They sprinted back up the stairs and immediately took a left... they soon realized that was a mistake.

More agents marched toward them, the light flashing in their faces. "There they are! Freeze!"

They skid to a stop to not run any closer to the men, Eleven reaching her arms out to not let the boys tumble father. "Turn around!" Teddy shouted, voicing cracking as he did so.
And back the way they came, they went.

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