nineteen; in the tunnels

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chapter nineteen; in the tunnels

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chapter nineteen; in the tunnels

First not-so-good idea of the night: letting Max drive. It wasn't a bad idea... but it wasn't good. That was the main thought circulating in Teddy's head as he shared the front seat with Lucas. The car only had spots for five people, but they'd manage to fit six. Lucas and Teddy smooshed together, providing directions to the girl driving; Teddy held the map up while Lucas pointed and said out which way to turn. Dustin and Mike sat on either side of Steve, whom they luckily got his unconscious body into the car with them.

The more Teddy stared at the map, the worse this driving to the tunnels idea became. Max was new in town, first of off, meaning their directions had to be as precise as possible; second, this wasn't her car, it was Steve's; third, but most importantly to Teddy, THEY WERE ONLY 13! WHEN DID MAX LEARN TO DRIVE? Thomas wouldn't even let Teddy in the driver's seat to turn on the car, let alone having his young son drive would give him a heart attack... but Teddy wasn't Max, and Thomas was not Max's father... so... here they were.

"We'll keep going straight for a bit longer." Teddy told her.

Max didn't take her eyes off the road but questioned Teddy's directions. "How much is "a bit"?"

"Like..." The boy tilted his head as he stared at the map. He nudged his friend's shoulder for a little help, "Lucas?"

"Hold on. I'm looking." Teddy passed the map over to Lucas so he could get a better look at it. Max pressed on the gas to go faster, causing the engine to rev. The ginger who wasn't driving gripped onto the side of the car. Why did he even get into the car? Of course Teddy trusted Max

"Nancy?" Steve's voice slurred in a daze. He started to wake back up and Mike was the person he was facing. The raven haired boy gave him an odd side eye.

Steve groaned in pain as he reached to touch his nose. "No, don't touch it." Dustin reached out and grabbed Steve's hand to move it away with his free hand (he held the ice pack to Steve's forehead with the other hand). "Hey, buddy. Shhh." He tried soothing the teenager with gentle shushing.

Teddy didn't think that method would work well. He shifted in his seat to peer backwards at them, "Dustin, you sound condescending." He warned.

"Shut up Teddy."

"Okie." Teddy flipped back in his seat and shrunk into his sweater. In honesty, he was trying to distract himself from being in a car with an unlicensed driver, driving at a very high speed. They needed to get to the tunnels quickly, but this was risky.

"It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight." Dustin assured him, "you're okay." Steve groaned again, pushing away the ice pack and moving his head up to notice he was in a car. A car... But if he wasn't driving and the only other people he was with were literal children, who could be driving?

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