seven; somebody's watching me

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chapter seven; somebody's watching me

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chapter seven; somebody's watching me

'Find Dart. Find Dart. Find Dart.' Teddy repeatedly thought in his head as he fast-walked down the hallways of Hawkins Middle. Dart escaped. They let a monster on the loose. A bloody monster! There was no fault of blame (though Teddy knew his friends would try to throw accusations on who the blame once they found Dart, but Teddy would have none of it) He just needed to focus. They needed to find Dart before it found a way out of the school or grew a size bigger.

Oh, but it was hard to focus when his mind was slowly getting clouded by his nervous thoughts.

Teddy walked alone at the moment as the party split to cover more ground. They were supposed to report any finding on their supercomms, but Teddy didn't bring his to school. What he did have was a notepad (which he shoved into his pants pocket)... so... that would have to do. As he walked, one of his hands laced in his hair to ground him to reality while the other tapped against his leg. To say he was anxious would be an obvious observation. He didn't know where to start to look for the creature and his brain thought of all the bad things that would happen if they didn't catch it.

'If I was a little monster, where would I hide?' He pondered, bringing one of his hands to his face. He tapped one of his fingers against his chin as he spun around, trying to decide what direction to go in now.

"Have you checked the gym yet?" A voice asked him, coming up from behind. It made Teddy jump, even though it was only Max who was holding her skateboard. Teddy shook his head no. Max's head tilted to the side, "Well, you're right in front of it, so I just assumed you did." She motioned one of her hands behind the boy, causing Teddy to turn around. Oh... he was just standing in front of the gym, wasn't he? A pink dusted his cheeks at the realization. Max didn't tease him and the two walked into the gym together.

The gym was dark, which would make sense since it wasn't in use. But there was enough natural light to see around. If Dart snuck to anywhere in the school, this room did make sense to Teddy. The boy stay near the the doors, letting his eyes analyze the room and decide where to start looking first. Max, on the other hand, continued to walk forward, "I'll check the locker rooms." She announced.

"Both of them?" Teddy asked with furrowed brows, "... even... you know... the men's?" His voice lowered with his last sentence, as if he was speaking a taboo.

Max stopped in her place and turned back to face Teddy, "Yeah, it's not like anyone is actually in there." Her head tilted to the side, "something wrong with that?"

Max did have a point. No one was in sight so obviously those rooms would be empty, so there was no issue with her going into the men's room... and maybe she was just more comfortable checking those rooms anyways, more so than Teddy at least. Teddy started to backtrack and shook his head, flustered, "N-n-no! I was just saying–just... never mind... I'll... just... check up the bleachers."

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