Chapter Four

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Leyla's Point of View

After dinner, we proceeded to what the Queen referred to as the "drawing room". For me, it was just a living room. It was filled with majestic colours, emerald walls with gold accents. The ceiling was high and room was lit with gold candelabra's which added warmth to the room. There were collectors antiques on podiums and extravagant pieces of art hanging on the wall. The floor was lined with the thickest plush rug which softened the clacking of the Queen's shoes.

The Queen and King took their seat on the Emerald sofa, Ryan sat beside them on a single seat. I followed Nona and sat next to her on the small loveseat. I could feel my hands getting clammy. I looked at Ryan who was peering out of the large windows, he seemed to be in deep thought. He said nothing but he appeared conflicted. I did not understand why, he was my mate. I could not understand why he did not say anything at dinner. His father sung my praises and appeared to appreciate my leadership qualities. I mean I didn't want to be queen, but I do want my mate. I'm just conflicted over my mate being Ryan. He had become my biggest tormentor in my teenage years and I could never understand why. He was my best friend, he made me feel less lonely. He was my first friend and the King he treated I was his daughter, he showed me what it would feel like to have a father.

Memories of them as children drifted through her head, them playing by the river, the laughter and happiness they once shared. I loved him once upon a time and her wolf, Amira was sharing those memories with her once again. I remembered when I was crying when the other children were playing with their parents and my heart ached with longing. He hugged me and told me everything would be fine as I had a family with them and Nona loved her. I remembered being thankful that I was blessed with a friend like him and he promised that he would always be there for me. I remembered afternoon picnics with him and the King in the meadow, while they played tag with the King's Wolf. I smiled as it all came rushing to me.

For some reason that all stopped when I turned nine. There were new regulations, the Royal quarters were almost on lockdown. Gates were raised and no one was allowed in unless the Queen gave her consent. Ryan was homeschooled and I never really saw him until we went to high school. Ryan was popular and it was like I didn't exist. I tried speaking to him once but he just stood there and assessed me. His eyes rolled up and down, then he gave me a look of disgust. He then shouted loudly for the whole school to hear "I do not speak with trash. Your face disgusts me." The student body just laughed and this is when the torture started, people would bully and taunt me. All because Prince Ryan was disgusted by my face.

I had not seen him for many years and he left before our sixteenth birthday, we were born days apart. Although his parent's loved him and cared for him, it was reported that mine abandoned me at the Royal Pack's orphanage. 

The Prince departed the pack for his training at the Alphreá Academy, which is a private boarding school where all Alpha to be's will attend The academy is used to facilitate and support good relationships amongst Alpha's to ensure peace across the werewolf kingdom. They also have the finest teachers to ensure that they the skills to rule and lead their packs. I understood why I had yet to know I was his mate as this was the first time we had crossed paths. The last time I had seen him was unfortunate and was one of those memories that I tried to push into the back of my bind. I shuddered remembering the humiliation I felt. I could not think about that at this time as I knew I would cry recalling the traumatic memories. 

Instinctively Ryan snapped his head in my direction as if sensing my gaze. He was handsome, his jaw was chiselled with a small amount of stubble. His blonde hair swept to the side and styled like a gentleman. His blue eyes. So beautiful and serene and I stared in his direction, I got lost in them. His muscles in his arms and legs were bulging, I could just imagine the abs that he had under that crisp white shirt. A shot of arousal spiked through me and all I wanted to do was run my hands down his physic.

The Queen coughed and we both pulled our eyes away from each other. I was scared they could smell my arousal and they could feel the heat of my gaze on Prince Ryan.

"So Leyla." The words mulled in her mouth. "Why do you believe the King has chosen you to be the Lady in waiting to our new Queen?" I heard the Prince's growl when the Queen asked this.

"Well, your majesty. I have lived in the Royal pack my whole life and Nona has taught me well over the years. She has educated me in political matters, Science, English. I have always done well with my studies at school. I believe the King requested my service as I am also well trained in defence and would offer the Queen my protection." I could feel my heart break as I thought of the new Queen. That person being with my mate, loving him, holding him, touching him. I could feel my stomach churn at the thought. I can't imagine that the Monarch would go against the bond of mates. Prince Ryan wouldn't do that. It was sin, it was forbidden and it was unforgivable.

The Queen hummed as her fingers danced across the arm of the chair. She was gracefully strumming her fingers. Her eyes appeared calculating and again. I was surprised Ryan did not explain that I was his mate. I know I should say something, but I feel out of place. I feel as if I was overstepping my boundary. Again, there was uncomfortable silence. My heart was pounding and I was nervous.

"My Prince, have you found your mate yet?" Nona asked.

"Yes I have Nona" he replied. "She is exquisite." My face was a tomato. I can't believe he thinks that about me. A small smile graced my lips. I can't believe I was getting worried for nothing. He is going to tell them now.

"Why yes, that is a wonderful description. She is beautiful and educated to high standard, she will make an amazing Queen." She appears to contemplate her nexts words and she continues to look at me, and she smiles bearing her pearly white teeth. "She understands our ways and she has had excellent mentor ship. Her beauty will be known far and wide. The pups she will bear will be of nobility." She gushes as she rises from her chair to a antique globe which reveals decanters filled with the finest whiskey. She pours herself a glass and swirls it as she made her way to the window. "Her and Nate know each-other very well, they practically grew up together." 

My heart pounded against my chest. She must know, he must of told her through their mind link tonight. I was not expecting him to tell his mother, maybe that was why she has been behaving so curtly towards her, maybe she is sad that she won't have her son's sole attention. Although, that would not explain the Prince's rude behaviour. I mean he wouldn't reject me, it has never occurred in the werewolf Kingdom. Nona expressed that there would be dire consequences for those who rejected their true mate, it was Selene's choice and her word was like a gospel to werewolves across the kingdom. It was unheard of for a mate to go against the moon goddess' word. 

"That's wonderful. I hope I am not being impolite but may I ask who and when will we meet our Queen to be?" Nona smiled. Ryan was quiet.

The Queen glanced over her shoulder and smiled. "Of course not Nona, the whole kingdom will come to know. Why not spread the good news." 

She smirked. "Lady Elisha."

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