Chapter Thirty

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Leyla's Point Of View

My heart was pounding and I could feel the palpitations in my chest. The whole crowd was silent and the clicking of red heels touched the concrete. I avoided Nona's gaze as she looked at me and then looked at the woman who was getting out of the limousine. 

There she stood, the person in between me and my mate. The questions that were running through my head were endless. Was I the other women? Was Ryan cheating on with Lady Elisha? Does Lady Elisha have a mate? Does she know she is not Ryan's mate or does she truly believe that he is hers? I shook my head to avoid the inevitable headache that would bombard me. 

Lady Elisha was as beautiful as people had described. Her hair was red, it was deep in colour and it shone brightly in the sunlight. Her skin was tanned like it was kissed by the sun itself. There was not a single blemish on the face. Her eyes were like sparkling emeralds with long lashes and her lips her big and pouty. She had an hourglass figure that would have any man lusting for more. I could understand why Ryan wanted her as a mate. She was beautiful. 

As I stared at the woman in front of me, I couldn't help but feel incompetent. I couldn't help but compare myself to the woman in front of me. She was dressed in a white summer dress that fell to her knees. She looked innocent and kind but for some reason I couldn't help bit think the opposite. Ryan called me a rank-climbing whore, but I couldn't help but believe the woman in front of me was the definition of a rank climber. How could he not see the wolf hiding in a sheep's clothing?

I knew what he felt for me was the mate bond, the moment he came into my room and said that he couldn't stop thinking about me, I knew that he was feeling it. What he felt for me was what you feel for your true mate. What he felt for Elisha was lust and infatuation. He could try and fool himself but he will never feel for her what he could feel for me if he opened up his heart.

As I looked at Ryan he smiled brightly at the sight of Lady Elisha, his lips were curved as he was happy to see her. He walked to her and embraced her, wrapping his strong arms around her body. She curled herself around him like a vine hanging to a tree and as he looked her, he looked happy. A small tear escaped my eye and I wiped it before anyone saw.

You may think he looks happy, his smile is there but look at his eyes. They aren't lit up like they would if she was his mate Leyla. Amira whispered, she didn't appear bothered by their interaction but she seemed satisfied with what she was seeing. 

Despite the pain in my chest, I observed what Amira said. His eyes were dull, although their was a smile on his face, there was no twinkle in his eye. The eyes were the window into the soul. I wondered if he confirmed in his mind she was not his mate? That was thought was cut short as they got lost in each other's gaze, he placed as small kiss on her lips. 

It was then that I felt a small burn inside my chest. There was a darkness that was consuming me, I could feel it spread across my body. The nerves in my body lit up with an ache. I compressed a groan. 

Are you alright Amira? I said with gritted teeth. 

I am taking the pain from you, I will be fine. I need some time. I will be okay but we need to get out of here. Soon. We need distance. Amira replied.  

Nona was looking at me and her eyes kept wondering between me and Ryan. Her forehead was furrowed and her lips were pursed together in a tight line. I could feel her face get red and I could sense her anger through the bond. I knew then and there she saw the tear that escaped my eye. I knew that she worked out I was in pain and unfortunately had worked out my secret before I had the chance to tell her. She knew Ryan was my mate. 

"I know Leyla. We need to go back to the cottage now. We will arrange someone to collect your personal effects later." Nona mind-linked me. I could hear the disappointment laced in her tone. 

"My child, you have no idea how excited we are to have you here." The Queen spoke graciously to Lady Elisha as she took her into her arms for a welcoming hug. 

"Thank you my Queen, it is so good to see you, you look well." Lady Elisha said. It was the first time I had listened to her voice. Her voice was light and raspy. I could imagine any male would find it extremely attractive. 

"My child, you are such the flatter. Come we have set you up in the Princess Quarters for your stay we will catch up later for dinner. Give you some time to refresh and spend some time with darling boy" The Queen replied with a smile. 

"Very well my Queen, Ryan, baby will you show me to my room, I could do with a nap." She said as she run her fingers up and down his arm. 

"Of course my love. Come" He clasped his fingers through her hand and made his way up the steps of the pack house. It was then that he flashed me a quick glaze and it was then that I saw something different in his stare. There was a pained look, there were slight wrinkles in his forehead. However, he didn't stop he just continued his path into the pack house. 

"King Alexander, Queen Lamia." Nona said as she bowed her head. "I have been missing my pup and we are going to back to the cottage. I am tired after our run and would like to settle for the evening." Nona spoke with confidence. 

"Of course Nona. Thank you for everything on our trip. Will you be able to meet with me tomorrow to make further arrangements?" King Alexander asked.

"Yes my King. Thank you Queen Lamia for keeping Leyla safe during my absence." 

"It was my pleasure Nona." The Queen's voice was almost sickly sweet as she spoke. "It was a pleasure, she is well trained for her new position. I would like to introduce you to Lady Elisha at dinner this evening. It is important that you both become acquainted with each other." The Queen replied. All I could feel was the dread in my stomach rising at the thought of being at another dinner but this time with Lady Elisha. 

"Of course, I will escort her this evening." Nona replied for me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and smiled. 

"Excellent, we will see you at seven this evening." Queen Lamia then turned to King Alexander and grabbed his hand and started to pull him into the Royal Quarters. "Come my love, I have missed you. You will see them this evening." She whispered. 

King Alexander gave Nona a look and then nodded his head as he followed her into the Royal Quarters. It was then that Nona wrapped her arm around mine and then I started to feel her pull me towards the exit of the Royal grounds. Honestly, I didn't feel my body move but my legs were moving on their own accord. 

Leyla, you should trust Nona. She will help us. She has always guided us in what is right and wrong. Do not lie to her, tell her everything. She can get us out of being a supporting role to the fake Queen. Amira said. 

I am scared. I know she already knows something happened between me and Ryan. What if she is ashamed? What if she is disappointed. I couldn't bare it Amira. I whispered. 

She scoffed. Nona loves us. Nona's wolf will see no harm come to us, the moon goddess bonded us together for a reason. She cannot protect us if we are not honest. We need to tell her about Ryan, Lady Reanna and the sick wolves. Tell her about your dreams with the Moon Goddess. Trust her and trust me. Amira replied. 

Before I had any time to contemplate what Amira said, me and Nona were stood in front of the Cottage. She opened the door and I followed her into the home that I had known since I was a pup. I closed the door quietly and was faced away from Nona. My eyes were tightly closed when Nona asked me the question I was dreading to hear. 

"So, when were you going to tell me you are Ryan's mate?" 

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