Chapter Thirty Seven

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Leyla's Point Of View

I stood at the steps before the Royal Hall. It was where all pack events were held. It was beautifully decorated with candles scattered around the entrance, white roses and peonies were dressed in white lace and ribbon. It was symbolic, a sign of purity for the new Royal couple to me. I could feel Amira in the back of my mind, telling me we should gift the couple with lilies for their death. I couldn't help but chuckle at her irritation. 

At this point, I had made peace with the engagement. I was dressed in a blood red dress. There was nothing extravagant about it, but it clung to my skin. It was modest and held by a halter neck. The dress had a train that flowed across the floor. I refused makeup not wanting to hide who I was, for I was me and I was proud of who I was. Inside and out. 

Nona smiled at me. "You look beautiful." She squeezed my hand gently. 

"Thank you." I returned her smile. "Are you ready?" I asked. 

"I should be asking you that Leyla. It must be difficult for you and Amira." Nona said with a forlorn look on her face. 

"It stings but I am okay with it. I trust in the goddess and I know she has a plan for us. We better head in before we miss the speeches. Wouldn't want to insult the Royal family further would we?" I hummed in amusement. God I enjoyed the Queen's humiliation the other night. I know Nona did because she was smirking for the rest of the dinner. 

I always knew that Nona had difficulties with the Queen and she was always hesitant but I never knew why. I knew that her behaviour towards me and how her son treated just furthered her cause for dislike. I wonder if she blames Alexander for it as well? 

"Let's go." Nona says as she pushes her way into the Royal Hall. 

The Royal hall was decorated with walls of white Roses. The smell of fresh flowers was intoxicating but refreshing. The room was warmly lit by the diamond chandelier that hung in the centre of the room. The room was filled with the Alpha's and Luna's of the different packs from over the Kingdom. Amira could feel the power of radiating through the walls. There was a large crowd formed in the centre of the room while everyone stared at the small podium where the Royal family were stood. 

Behind them was the Royal crescent which contrasted the rest of the room. The Royal crescent was made out of red roses. There were candles scattered behind the Royal family, it emphasised the soft glow of the room but cast a shadow to those in front of the Royal Family. It made them look angelic and regal. They were dressed in their finest attire. 

The King stood tall and proud next to the Queen and to the right stood Ryan with Elisha at his side. She was stood shinny her pearly whites at the crowd. She gave the crowd a small wave, while Ryan clasped his hand round her waist. As much as I knew she was a fake Queen, I had to admit she looked the part. 

Me and Nona stood behind the crowd, not wanting to integrate but be a silent observer. I knew Nona would normally be front and centre at these events but she stood with me so that I had a quick escape if I felt it was too much. I knew the King would notice her lack of appearance, because she was one of the few people that he considered family after the loss of his parents. 

The King is stood giving a speech, I'm thankful we've missed part of the activities. As much as I wanted to say it didn't bother, I could feel an ache growing in my chest. As we stood in the crowd. I could see Ryan's gaze searching the crowd. I stood behind a tall Nobel man wanting to hide my attendance, I couldn't look him in the eye while he stood their holding onto Elisha for dear life. 

"... Your attendance is important and again, I thank you for being a guest in our home." I caught the last of his welcoming speech. "Now I want to introduce you, to my son, your future King for his announcement." The King bellowed. 

Ryan seemed to snap out of his search in the crowd as he turned his gaze to his father and nodded his head and made himself front and centre. The King placed his hand on his son's shoulder, offering him his silent support. Ryan simply plastered a smile on his face, the smile was not quite reaching his eyes.

Ryan coughs slightly and covered his mouth. "Good evening to you all, thank you for attending an important event to my family. It has been rumoured across the lands, that I have found my mate and tonight I want to formally introduce you to her."

He gestures with his hand for Elisha to join his side. She didn't hesitant in her movements and quickly stood beside him. She was dressed in an ivory ballgown that had soft and simple lace that covered the dress. It was simple and had sweetheart neckline but she wore an extravagant diamond choker and matching earrings. Her hair was swept to the side as her eyes sparkled in the candlelight. 

As she steps forward. I see Ryan finally catch my eyes. I could feel my wolf push forward and show him the pain he was causing us. His face briefly showed the pain in his face, but it was masked with a smile before anyone else could notice. 

"This is my mate, your Queen to be, Lady Elisha of the Nightingale Pack. Daughter of Alpha Sloan and Luna Sheridan. We are to wed on the next full moon as tradition dictates. We hope for your blessing and your celebration during this time. Long Live Lady Elisha." Ryan spoke with reverence. 

The crowd erupted into cheers, chanting Lady Elisha's name. Jeering at the Prince's mate. Everyone was clapping, children were squealing with delight. Everyone was happy but me and Nona. My heart felt like it was finally going to shatter. Nona simply pursed her lips, forcing a smile to her face, I felt through the bond she refused to celebrate a fake mating. For it wasn't just about my rejection, it was that he had rejected the Kingdom's true Queen. 

It was this moment that I looked at Elisha and she was waving and clinging to Ryan's arm like he would disappear into thin air. She had been accepted by mate's mother and father. The Kingdom seemed rejoiced at their new Queen. I know no one knew he was my true mate, but why did it feel like the world was celebrating my pain. 

A small tear escaped my eye as I continued to watch the scene in front of me. Many people started to approach the soon to be King and Queen. Congratulating them on finding their soulmate. I made no haste to give them my blessing I mind-linked Nona and I made may out onto the Terrance of the Royal Hall. 

I needed some air, I needed some space from the fake mates that were lying to their Kingdom.

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