Chapter Thirty Five

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Leyla's Point of View

I had arrived at the palace after following the guard for my audience with Lamia. I knew Nona wanted to accompany me but I shook my head telling her that I could handle whatever was going to be thrown at me. I knew that whatever it is would cause Nona's wolf to become defensive and annoyed. For she didn't want any harm to come to the pup that she had raised. 

I was led by the guard to the terrace where the Queen was sat under a white parisol. She was sitting there at the garden table with flowers blooming all around her. She was quietly sipping her tea staring out into the gardens. 

"My Queen, Leyla is here as you requested." The guard announced. She didn't look at him or me as we stood side by side. She just continued to sip her tea without a care in the world. 

"Thank you. You are dismissed. Please make sure we are not disturbed." Queen Lamia stated. 

The guard bowed and made away from the terrace while I stood by idly. "Please take a seat Leyla." She gestured to seat opposite her. 

"My Queen, for what did I do be granted such a gracious invitation." I asked as made my way to the chair and sat down. 

"Just wanting to know what made you decline the position. We have never had someone decline. My husband was very upset about this and I am rather insulted." She snipped. "I mean I did train you to take on the position and you passed with flying colours, so I am just confused why you did not discuss this with me." 

"Your grace, I did not mean to cause insult to your family. I simply did not want the position and I am sure your training can be given to another adequate candidate, as long as they can read." I said with a smile as I took a sip of tea that had been placed in front of me. 

"I don't appreciate being made a fool of girl. You made me look bad in front of my husband. He put me to shame at dinner in front of my guest because of your foolish announcement." The Queen stated. 

I merely chuckled at her response. It was all about her. How can this selfish woman be a Queen Luna. "I'm sorry my Queen, but I didn't realise my change of career caused you such shame? I merely just advised you all of the career path I was destined to take. Your husband's reaction is his own responsibility. I can not take blame for his behaviour." I taunted. 

You tell her, put the bitch in her place. Amira growled. 

"You know Leyla, my husband may be fooled. He may think you are innocent, but I can see right through you. I know you are up to something, so don't think you can beat me. I will destroy you little girl." The Queen spoke with malice. 

"Queen Lamia, I honestly do not know what I have done to offend you so much, but I can tell you now that you are mistaken. I am doing nothing to you that will cause you harm. I also don't appreciate your threats when they are unwarranted. For whatever your reason, reign your emotions. It is rather unbecoming of a Queen." I spoke confidently. 

I could hear the Queen's low growl that she tried to cover as she placed a hand over her mouth. She looked me, her usual calm composure and she was now red in the face. She coughed and then pursed her lips. "Very well, if that is all you have to say. You are excused. Please make sure you are in attendance for the Prince's engagement. Despite declining our job offer, you are still part of the pack." She smirked. 

"Very well. I will take my leave and see you at the party this evening Queen Lamia." I replied as I got up and made my way to the exit. 

"Oh and Leyla, please make sure you are presentable." She shouted. 

Bitch, just had to get the last word out. Amira growled in frustration. I pushed her to the back of my mind as I started to walk out of the palace. 

Just as I was leaving the Terrance, I bumped into a body that was unfamiliar. I looked up and there stood Elisha. I groaned, thinking what did I do deserve an audience with this bitch. 

Elisha was dressed in a fitted green dress, it clung to her hips and breast. Although it fell past her knee, it still left nothing to the imagination. It was then that my eyesight landed on the big diamond on her left hand. She was wearing the royal engagement. I could see her flexing her finger as it glistened in the afternoon sun. I could sense her trying to show me her place in the Royal pack house. 

"Elisha." I said with surprise. 

"Lady Elisha to you." Elisha snipped at me. 

Queen to you Bitch. Amira sassed in my mind. 

Not the time Amira. I replied

Don't care. Put her in her rightful place before I do. She growled. 

"Sorry, Lady Elisha." I said. I tried to bow, but Amira stopped me, I could sense her reluctance at showing submission to the imposture in front of her. 

"Leyla, I just wanted to thank you. You made the right decision, refusing the role of being my lady in waiting. I know that you are not equipped or have the skills for such a position. I don't know what the King was thinking. That position is for someone of nobility. Not an orphan." She stated with this sickly sweet smile. 

"You have no need to thank me. I believe going to medical school is more use of my time. You know, not wearing some pretty dresses." I made sure to look her up and down. "I would be careful with what you say Elisha, you are not Queen yet and you are already questioning your King's decision. He seemed to think I was a perfect candidate." I taunted. 

The scowl on her face made her look like she was sucking a lemon. "The King can make mistakes." 

"So can the Prince." I retorted. 

"You stay away from the Royal family, you are nothing but unworthy to be in their presence. They do not need you around, now that I am here. The Prince certainly does not need you. They don't need your lies corrupting this pack any further." She smirked. 

I chuckled masking the pain I was feeling from her words. "Oh Elisha, we both know who the lies is and it is certainly not me. I don't need some spoiled cow to tell me that I'm unworthy. I know I am a strong and independent woman who doesn't put her self worth on a mate." I replied. 

She looked at me, her mouth gaping like a fish. "If that is all, I will see you at your engagement party. It would be a shame for something to spoil it." I smirked as I turned in the opposite direction and walked away from the bitch that was stealing my mate. 

Time to get ready for the engagement party and make that bitch eat her own words. Amira sassily said. 

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