Chapter Twenty Five

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Leyla's Point of View

I could feel Amira's agitation through the bond. She had left with the remnants of an empty IV drip as we made our way out of the infirmary. She had little to no explanations for the reaction she had to the two ill wolves. There was this unease and for me their was this sadness for the pain and suffering that they were going through. I stuffed the IV drip into the back of my trousers and covered it with my shirt. I needed to get it out of here and somewhere safe before anyone discovered it. 

I knew leaving the royal quarters would be difficult and it would be noticeable if I left. There had been added security since there had been a rise in the disappearance of many wolves. I knew I would have to ask a warrior to escort me back to the cottage or try sneaking out in the evening but that seemed like a highly unsuccessful outcome. The worst thing is that I knew I would have to ask Ryan for clearance to leave as Nona had left me in the responsibility of the Monarchs. I just needed a valid reason.

I made my way to the King's office knowing that was where Ryan would most likely be. Amira's feelings towards the prince were very conflicting. One minute she was humming in delight at the thought of her mate, the next she was growling at the insufferable and arrogant bastard that he was. I groaned at the headache she was giving me, hoping she would make up her mind and help me in our time of need. 

As I approached the office door, Amira started to pick up a hushed conversation in one of the meeting rooms. 

"No one knows darling. There's nothing for you to worry about." The male voice spoke. The man's voice was familiar.

"You are a fool if you think that no one is questioning what is happening." The voice spat with venom. I knew that voice was the Queen, her voice gave me nothing but goosebumps down my arms. 

"Darling, we are protected. Everything is falling into place, soon we will have everything we ever dreamed of and nothing will hold us back." The man replied. 

The Queen sighed. "We can not expect for things to fall into place, we need to move along quickly before the Mallapers breach the boarders."

"They are no where in sight Lamia, you are being paranoid. They don't have the army we do, they don't have the power to rise against us. We are in the best position."

"We are in the worst position!" She whisper-shouted at him. "We have no idea who is leading them, we have no idea what they want, but they are gathering and if they have joined them, our plan is foiled. We need the King to act fast before it is too late."

"Have you heard from him?" He replied.

"Yes but he refuses to tell me what he has found, he knows something is wrong I could hear the unease in his voice." The Queen sighed. 

"Have you tried tapping into the bond?"

"Yes, but he has blocked me." She groaned. "I don't even think he knows that he is doing it, but I do not think he is doing it." I could faintly hear the scratching of skin. 

"Hmm well he will be back soon so I am sure you will be able to get answers from him, especially when you spread your pretty little legs open for him." The man taunted. 

"Shut it you fool. You know that I do what I have to. Don't make me feel guilty for the damn bond  coming into play." The Queen huffed. 

"Now, now Lamia don't get those knickers in a twist, I know your slut, but fortunately your my little slut aren't you." The husky male voice hummed, the sounds of wet kisses could be faintly heard as I heard the Queen release a moan. 

I gasped at what was happening. Amira started growling in my head. What the fuck have you done, they must have heard us. Suddenly the noises stopped and I looked around the hallways which were empty, not a guard in sight. I had to think quick. 

I took a couple of steps back from the door retreating back in the direction I came from. I then started to make large and loud steps in the direction to the Kings office. I knew if I tried to walk away and hide they would have smelt my scent linger in the air. As I passed the meeting room, the door swung open and the Queen strode out. I didn't look back, I just kept walking. 

"Leyla?" The Queen asked in a questioning tone. I closed my eyes and took a calming breath to ease my thumping heartbeat. 

"Oh your Majesty. I didn't see you there." I said, acting as if I was shocked by her presence. 

"What are you doing here Leyla, why aren't you in the library studying?" She asked. 

"Oh I was on the way to see the Prince to see if I could return to the cottage for a few hours to gather some books and personal affects." I said as I bowed my head. 

"Oh I see." Her gaze was questioning as she looked me up and down. "That should be fine, I will have one of the warriors escort you and they will be stationed outside while you collect what you need. After all you are under my watch." She said with a smile. 

I could see that her smile was nothing but fake and I could feel her worry radiate that I had heard her conversation. I wondered if she thought I knew who she was with. 

"Well run along. I have mind-linked Simon, he is waiting outside for you now." She gestured with your hands. "I will be with you tomorrow to answer any questions you may have and of course test you on your competence for your new position. Lady Elisha should be here by the end of the week."

"Thank you your majesty." As I bowed my head and turned in the direction of the main foyer and exited the pack house. I didn't dare look back.  

All I could think was who was the Queen talking to and why did he sound so familiar? 

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