Chapter Thirty Four

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Leyla's Point Of View

I was sat the table using my laptop finishing off my applications to various medical schools. I applied to the three throughout the Kingdom and then made a decision to apply for one that was in England. Nona had discussed it with saying that I needed to make sure that I had options in case something was to go wrong in the future. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose and then ran my hand ran through my hair. I could feel the tiredness creep in over the past few days, everything was wearing me down. I felt my bond with Ryan pull me towards him but I was finding it a lot easier to resist. Amira was also more confident and less whiny with need wanting to be with her mate since the last visit from the Moon Goddess. Regardless, we both seemed to be pushing through.

My thoughts were interrupted by Nona entering the cottage. She had been at the Royal Quarters most the day. I don't know what was going on but I knew Amira sensed something bad. Nona comes to me and gives me a tight hug. I automatically feel the tension that was once in my shoulders drop. She had this ability to just ease my tension away. 

"Evening Nona, everything alright?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug. 

"Evening little one, it's been a difficult day." She replied as she starts to rub her temples.

"Wanna talk about it?" As I closed my laptop. 

"Suppose you need to know what is going on." She said as she makes her way to the sofa. I was sat at the wooden table by the kitchen. I turned my chair and sat back and waited for to explain why she has been disappearing. 

"We went to Nightingale and there were reports of missing wolfs. Alexander said the reports weren't adding up so we spoke with some Omega's. Alexander had to force them to break a command placed on her by the Alpha Female. The Omega revealed that the Alpha's son's mate, which is Elisha's brother was not with his true mate." 

"What?" I gapped. So I wasn't the only one? There was this momentarily feeling of relief that I was not one my own but equally I wonder where she is? Is she alive? Is she safe? All these questions flew through my mind. 

"Yes you heard me, Elisha's brother has a fake mate." Nona said in a no nonsense tone. "The problem is what you said to me on the phone, there is no way to test whether someone has a true mate bond or not. The biggest issue we will have is proving it, especially without the missing she-wolf." Nona explained. 

"Anything else?" I exhaled. 

"Yes, I've sent that drip to a friend of mine. Drew. He said he would help us and he would get us the answers we needed. Drew lives in England so has the resources to get the answers we need without being caught or asking too many questions. Should you ever need to live the Kingdom, head to London in England and Drew will help you." Nona said looking into the distance.

"How would I know how to find him?" I asked. 

"You wouldn't, just go to central London and he will find you." Nona responded cryptically. "There is something else I need to tell you Leyla."

"What is it Nona?" I asked worriedly. 

"My wolf feels the need to be honest with you about a few things. I know Amira can sense my power can't she?" Nona asked, I could sense she was amused at Amira's power and knowledge.

"Yes she has felt it for some time." I replied. 

"Why have you never asked me about it for?" I could hear her curiosity in her tone.  

"I never really needed to know why Nona. Regardless of you being my mother in bond, I always thought you would tell me when you needed to. It's never really bothered me anyway." I answered with a shrug of my shoulders.

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