Psst... Announcement

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Firstly, I want to say thank you to my readers and those who have reached out to me to give your feedback on my writing and my story!

Although a small milestone, I have hit over 500 views! I only started uploading this story two weeks ago and your comments and votes have meant a lot to me.

I just wanted to say that I love hearing your views and if you don't feel comfortable commenting on the book please reach out to me on direct mail as I would love to hear from you! Please do not fear offending me cause I do have some big girl panties on!

I know the message is cliché but please comment, please like the chapters and please follow me so I can update all my lovely readers.

Finally, I would love to hear from you all on social media so please give me a follow! Talk to me about anything and everything because I love hearing from you! 




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