Chapter Forty One

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Leyla's Point Of View

The sweat drenched my forehead, the cold concrete greeted and battered my knees. I never imagined that I would be in a holding cell. Everything ached, I could feel the bruises on my body as my wrists burned from the contact with silver. 

I sobbed heavily. There was no where to hide my tears now. I was alone and I finally let it all out. The pain that I had felt from Ryan's rejection and silence. The pain I felt from the way the pack had judged me. I was in agony over Ryan's silence. He betrayed me and allowed me to take the fall for something we were both responsible for. 

He was my true mate and he did not have the courage to admit it to his people. He allowed Elisha to put on a show that turned my people against me. I knew I was the true Queen, the Goddess had chosen me. I was not going to be defined by the act of two true mates. I would continue to feel heartbroken but I would not feel ashamed by my actions. I did not cheat on my true mate, for I was the one who was truly betrayed. 

It will be alright Leyla. Amira whimpered slightly.I could feel she was in pain from the silver chains. It was one of the few weakness that werewolves had. It weakened our wolf and caused the pain. For some reason, I did not think the King was responsible for this. I knew it was the Queen who wanted me to suffer. 

Is this how my life ended? How could be stop the evil rising if we were chained to cell for the rest of our life?

Do not worry too much Leyla, I am uncertain of what the pack will decide but I know the Moon Goddess will keep us safe. Amira said with determination.

Amira are you in pain from the silver? I asked Amira. 

It was painful at first but now it feels more like an irritation. It's like a rash that won't go away. Amira replied. 

Why are we not as affected by the silver Amira?

It is the tasilment from the Goddess that allows me to feel this way. I told you she will keep us safe. She replied. 

All I could hear was the howl of the wind, it was cold and I could feel a shiver down my spine. My head still hurt from being knocked on the head. Whoever hit me, definitely wanted to cause me harm. Was this why I was experiencing a cold sweat? Seconds. Minutes. Hours went by without a soul speaking me to me. Not a scent could be traced. I was truly alone in the world. I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to consume me. 

I must of fallen asleep when I heard the cell door creak open. I didn't open my eyes for fear that I would face my final minutes. Soft footsteps crossed the floor, when a familar hand gently shook my shoulder. 

"Leyla." The voice whispered. 

"" I replied as I peeled my eyes open. 

There she stood. I could see her eyes were puffy and she had been crying. I hated the pain and disappointment I had caused her. I couldn't bear to see her. I turned my head away not wanting to see the look of pity and shame. She put her head to my face and turned it so I was looking at her when she raised her finger to her mouth telling me to be quiet. As I looked at my saviour, all I could see was love and adoration shining in her eyes. 

"Leyla, I need you to listen to me and not interrupt me. We don't have much time." Nona said as she began loosening the silver chains. "Morning is coming and you be presented in front of the court. You will be found guilty and you will be sentenced to death. The Queen will see to it."

"Nona I didn't do anything wrong" I cried. 

"I know little one, but they think you broke pack law. Lamia is hell bent on seeing you die tomorrow. I do not know why, but I know she is very proud woman. You have shamed her family. You are an enemy to her and it is easier for her if you just disappear." She whispered as she released me from the chains. The ache in my arms disappeared as the blood started to circulate. I rubbed my wrists as I shakily stood on my feet. My knees were grazed from the hours of kneeling on the concrete. 

 "Leyla, there is nothing I can do to stop her. I have tried but she has a bigger influence in the court than I realised. No one is willing to stand against her." She sighed. "I have failed you my child, all I can do is help you escape." She explained. 

"Nona you can't, you will get in trouble! I won't go!" I whisper-shouted at her. 

"It is a possibility but your a special wolf Leyla and the Goddess has not finished with you. You have a job to do and I promised to always protect you. That is what a mother does." Nona affectionately said. "Leyla you helped me live again, you helped me live as long as I have and now it is time for me to return the favour. Let me help you live. Let me help you escape." She said with tears in her eyes. 

Let Nona help you Leyla. It is our destiny. Amira softly stated. 

But what if something happens? I couldn't bare it. I asked. 

The Goddess will protect her. Amira replied. 

"Nona." I cried. "I am not ready to let you go. I love you. This is all my fault." I sobbed. 

Nona pulled me into her arms and slowly caressed my head, I put my nose and inhaled her motherly scent. "Leyla, this is not your fault my child. You are a victim in all this, but you will must come out fighting. You are not my little one anymore, you are my Warrior Queen." She spoke into my hair as I sobbed. 

"You are strong and the Goddess has blessed you, but we must not play with fate. You must leave before sunrise. Amira will no what to do. Remember all that I have taught you and trust Amira. She is your greatest friend as you are my greatest treasure." She pulled me away from your arms. 

Leyla, it's time, we must go. Amira quickly stated. 

"How did you get down here Nona? How do I escape?" I asked, listening to Amira. I would not forget Nona's teachings. 

"The Queen taught me about the secret passageways, no one really knows they exist. The wall at the end of the hall is a secret door. You must use it and follow the passage out of the Kingdom. When you reach the engage of the passage transform into your wolf and run as far as you can. Amira will take you where you need to be" She took a bag off her shoulder and passed it to me. "Take this, there is money, medicine and some food. The money is in an off-shore account and the Royal family will be unable to trace it." She thrusted it into my arms. 

"Nona, come with me." I quickly. 

"I can't my child. I do not have the ability to keep up with you. I would only endanger you. I must stay here and protect you and your people." Nona said. 

"Please, I can't imagine my life without you." I whimpered. 

"I will always be with you Leyla remember that." Nona smiled and kissed my forehead quickly. "Now go my Warrior Queen."

I cried as I looked at the woman who had raised me. The woman who was both my mother and father. The woman who was sacrificing her safety to ensure I escaped. Despite having parents somewhere in this world, she was more than I ever deserved. I was blessed to have a mother like her. I wiped my eyes and looked at her. "I love you Nona."

"I love you too. Now go. Quickly, you are running out of time" She hastily said. 

I turned my back and ran towards the secret passageway. I pushed the wall and there was a dark tunnel that would lead me to my freedom. 

Let's go. Amira said with determination.

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