Chapter Twenty-Three

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Leyla's Point Of View

Nona's words continued to resonate and vibrate through my bones. "Trust no one" she said. Nona was always one to be wise and she held wisdom beyond her years. She had never shared with the secrets about her wolf but I could always sense her wolf's power. We still to this day do not know the name of Nona's wolf, but we feel her presence and the bond Amira recognises, is the same one that a pup would have with her mother. 

My phone call with Nona didn't provide me with any answers that could help me with the quest of obtaining my mate. As time goes on, I can feel the intricately woven thread of my bond with Ryan pull. My thoughts drift to whether my wolf can sense this but she has been quiet and calculating in the back of my head. 

I'm thankful that Nona said she would return home soon because my mentality is wavering and there is a game of chess being played and I feel like I am on the losing side. I feel like I am against my prince and mate. I sigh trying to sift through my memories to determine what is the reason for Ryan's hate. We grew up together and played together, he was my best friend and as much as I may hate to admit it, he was my first love. 

I was wondering through the palace when I saw the Gamma female make her way towards the kitchens. She was a very elegant and pretty lady with fiery red hair and emerald yes. Her figure was well built with muscle, rather than other ladies who were quite thin. Amira would hum in satisfaction and appreciation for our Gamma female for she was always interacting with the children and helping the Omega's with her chores. I had quietly observed her conversation with Beta Marcus one evening when he was questioning her choice to help them saying it was beneath her. Sarah only replied that she was capable of looking after herself as she crossed her arms. 

I had not had time to interact with Gamma Sarah but from what I had seen, I was impressed and I could understand Nona's fondness for the woman. As I followed her into the Kitchen it was empty and she was at the counter preparing from eggs for breakfast. 

"Oh good morning Gamma female, I apologise. I didn't realise that I would be disturbing your morning." I bowed my head as a sign of respect. 

"Good morning Leyla!" Her voice was chirpy and warm. "Please do not apologise and call me Sarah. I hate the formalities." Her small petite nose crinkled.. 

"Oh very well Sarah." I smiled. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked with a big smile on my face. 

"No, no, please take a seat. I love cooking and I will make you an omelette while I'm at it. Ham and tomato alright with you?" 

"Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you Sarah." I replied. 

She continued to beat and whisk eggs, while chopping tomatoes and grating the cheese. She danced through the kitchen with a swing in her step and every now and then she would gentle caress her baby bump with such love and affection it almost made my eyes water. 

"How long until your blessed pup is due?" I asked. 

"Not for another couple of weeks. I am so excited though, she's going to be so spoiled and her Papa can not wait." Her excitement buzzed through the walls. This woman was so filled with life. "What brings you to the Kitchen's this morning, I thought you would dining with with the Royal's?"

"I didn't feel like it" After Nona's warning, I didn't feel safe and I needed distance from Ryan after our conversation last night. "It's too formal for me." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. 

"That I can understand, it can be so.... Insufferable." She chuckled . 

I like her. Amira smirked. 

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