Chapter Forty Two

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Nona's Point Of View

Over the last few days, me and my wolf had felt our anxiety and worry continuously that at times it was distracting to a point that I could no longer focus on anything else. I knew that when Leyla was sent to the cells that I could not let her face the punishment that the Royal family would assign. It would most likely be death. 

Death was not something I could let Leyla see. For me and my wolf knew from the moment our eyes met she was special. Her time has not yet come. I had visited her last night giving her the means and help to escape the Royal Quarters. I knew she would take it and I knew that Amira would keep her safe. There was a purpose to her existence and she had a job to do. 

My purpose has ended. For I have raised Leyla with the beliefs and values that would allow her to survive and prosper in the wolf Kingdom. She had made me proud and I was forever thankful for my time spent as her mother. She was never a difficult child, she was filled with love and warmth. I will love her to the end of time. 

The sun began to rise and I knew that Leyla would be making her escape. I was stood in the cemetery and kissed the headstone of my mate and basked in the warmth of the memories we shared. I turned my way direction to another headstone which was decorated with gold and intricate flowers were placed. It was here that my best friend laid, the previous Queen. 

I felt a small pain in my chest and could feel from the bond I shared with Leyla that she had cut ties with the Royal Pack. She was gone. A small tear escaped my eye as I looked to my friend for help. What went wrong my Queen? I asked as I stroked the marble with my fingers. I closed my eyes and begged her to help her son and grandson make the right decision, I prayed that she would help them rectify the pain caused to my head. 

I could feel my wolf becoming more quieter, she was weaker since I felt Leyla break her bond with the pack. I could feel her distance cause my wolf to be in pain but she was equally satisfied that her pup was getting to safety. I rubbed my hand on my chest trying to ease some of the pain when my thoughts were interrupted by an order.  

"Everyone report to the Royal Quarters Grand Hall, Now." Alexander commanded through the mind link. 

I stood up and said goodbye to the family that were dead and made my way towards the grand hall. It wasn't far from the cemetery and it was within eyesight when all the wolfs were gathering. Murmurs and whispers about Leyla were heard loud and clear. Whispers of her being a rank-climber, of being a whore, I scoffed at the imbeciles who thought that about their true Queen. I ignored their words and continued to make my way to the crowd. 

The Royals stood tall and proud, however the King and Ryan looked tired and worn out. Both had dark circles under their eyes. Their shoulders were slumped and they looked as if they were in pain. Whereas Queen Lamia and Lady Elisha stood tall, the anger on their face apparent. Alpha Sloan stood with a smirk on his face, your could see his satisfaction from the scene in front of him. The pack was in disarray. 

"SILENCE" Alexander silenced. 

"I need the traitors to step forward immediately. She brings shame to my pack, my family and my future daughter-in-law, your future Queen." She Queen spoke with reverence. 

There were quiet murmurs amongst the crowd, no one answered her question. Her tone held no authority, although she was a viper seeking a prey that was a bigger predator than her. 

"Quieten down Lamia, I will seek answers." Alexander directed to his Queen. 

"No Alexander, I will not have shame be brought upon my family so publicly. If no one wishes to speak now, then I will torture you all for answers." The Queen screamed. I could sense her blood lust, but why for Leyla what had she done to cause her to react like this. 

"No one? Then I will call the Guards. You are all pathetic members of a pack that we have come to protect." Lamia spat at the ground. Her once perfectly kept hair was failing around, falling out of place. She did not care who she hurt and I could not allow innocent wolves to be killed. 

"I did." I spoke confidentially. Looking directly at the Royal Family. The people that ruined my pup. From Ryan's state I could tell he was her true mate, whether he wanted to admit it or not. 

"Nona?" Alexander whispered with shock laced in voice.

"Yes Alexander, I released Leyla. I helped her escape." My gaze did not waver as I spoke the words. My wolf's need to protect our pup and was ready to accept whatever punishment these fools decided to give me. 

"Why Nona? Why?" Alexander asked. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice that my actions had caused him. To him, I had betrayed the pack that I had sworn to protect. 

"Because she is my pup!" I screamed. "She needs to be safe from the fake family that surrounds you! She did nothing and I mean nothing wrong." I spat. 

I saw guards moving in the crowd to my direction. I could sense that people thought I would cause the people in front of me harm, but I wouldn't. I was making a sacrifice that would allow the safety of the pack and my pup.

"You disgust me Nona." The Queen spoke. "You allowed a traitor, a bitch, a she-slut who seduced my son to betray his bond with his mate. You allowed someone who broke pack law to escape. Tell me where is she?" Her eyes were darkened which the need to seek the blood of someone who had undermined her authority. 

All I could do was laugh. How did I not see it before? I mean I saw glimpses of the true nature of the Queen in front of me. My eyes widened at the question in front of me, how did a Queen lack power? There was no authority in her voice, there was no luna command in her voice? How did I not realise it before this point? How had she gotten away with being Queen for so long. 

"I don't know where she is, all I know she is far away from this place. She will be where she needs to be." I exclaimed as two guards started pulling me to the stage, in front of the Royal family. 

The Queen made her way to me. "She will suffer. I will see to it" Her eyes filled with vengeance. 

I whispered so low, only she could hear. "I would like to see you try, fake Queen." The smirk on my face showed her that I would no longer show her any authority for she was not blessed to be above me, above my wolf. My wolf would no longer follow her fake commands. 

Her eyes widen at what I had said, she said nothing but follow it with a look of disgust. She knew her secret was out. She looked around the room checking to see if anyone heard my whispered words. She growled and allowed her nails to elongate. She swiftly brought them to my neck and sliced as quickly as she could. 

Before I could say anything, I knew she had silenced me with my death, I could feel the blood run down my neck and I felt the guards loosen their hold on me and stop me to the floor. I could feel myself choke on the blood as I started coughing it up. 

I closed my eyes thinking of my little Leyla for the last time. 

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