Psst... Announcement Part Five

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Dear Readers, 

I just wanted to thank you all because I have reached over 3,000 views! I am so thankful for your support and comments throughout the story. Honestly I have loved interacting with you all. 

I have also reached over 500 likes! Which again has been amazing, I wasn't expecting so many likes and comments. I really hope to continue receiving  your feedback. 

Now we are reaching the peak of our story and honestly the next few chapters have been some of my favourite to write. There is going to be so much drama ahead so prepare yourself!

I have also started to upload my other story called 'The Elevator' which is about two mates Loretta and Jacob. Jacob rejected Loretta eight years ago and he is currently stuck in an elevator with her. Not knowing she was the mate he rejected her for. It is going to be a lot shorter than this story and I hope those of you have been reading would also give it ago and give me your feedback as that story starts to be uploaded. 

If you haven't already, please give me a follow and if you can recommend my book to anyone I would be very grateful!

Finally, if any of you know of any editors or grammar police who would be willing to help me out. I would be really thankful! I have dyslexia and even with proofreading I still miss things. 

I hope you are all well and staying healthy and look forward to hearing from you all. 

Love Cam


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