Chapter Twenty Eight

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Nona's Point Of View

For many years my wolf has sent ominous and vague warnings of danger. I have never ignored them, I merely took them into account for there was never anything pressing that I could identify as dangerous. I have simply been alert for any pressing matters. 

What has been discovered at the Nightingale Pack is that wolves are betraying the will of the goddess and disobeying the fate presented to them. I pursed my lips and I could feel my wolf stir at what has been discovered, how can someone not want to be with their mate? The other part of their soul? How are they able to ignore the irresistible full or the addictive sparks of ones soulmate? 

I could see Alexander's tension as we made our way out of the pack house, he seemed at unease leaving. I knew he was troubled because without the missing mate, there was no way to prove that she was his mate. It was clear that underhanded actions were being dealt and it made me weary. Alexander had no basis to challenge the Alpha because there was no proof and no evidence that this was the case. This is the fundamental problem with mates, the goddess trusted us to be honest with our people and our wolves about who are mates are. Unfortunately, as humans that trust has been misplaced. 

I made my way to the front of the pack house where our travelling party was awaiting. I could see Alexander stare off into the distance, separate from those who were accompanying us. I walked towards him and stood behind him, not wanting to interrupt his somber thoughts but i could see the tension in his shoulders. Like Leyla, I felt this duty towards Alexander, after all he was my best friend's son. 

"Your highness." I bowed, fully aware that other wolves were watching my moves. Alexander appeared startled by my appearance. 

"Nona." He nodded his head in response. 

"Is everything alright?" I mind-linked him, not wanting anyone to hear our conversation. 

"No Nona, I am troubled. I am afraid for this pack." He pursed his lips. "I am afraid of what we are bringing into the Royal Pack." 

"Lady Elisha?" I mind-linked in a questioning tone. 

He responded with a nod. I could sense his apprehension at bringing the she-wolf with us. I couldn't understand why but I knew he had his reasons, but she was the Queen to be. I suppose his worry was around who he was bringing into his pack and the morals and upbringing she had if Luna Sheridan did order the young omega to not repeat the truth of her son's true mate. 

"I am truly worried Nona. There is something deep that is unsettling my wolf. He is uneasy at her presence, which is unusual because normally there is a warm response to destined pack members. I don't get that with her and I don't like that my son has spent many summers with these people who disrespect pack law." He replied. 

"My wife, my Queen was adamant of their gracious and good character but unfortunately. I do not see that here. It troubles me. I am worried for the Kingdom." He said with a deep sigh. 

"I understand your worries Alexander and you are best getting answers when you arrive home. The pack will be weak without you. Unfortunately I have my own research to do when I get home that may help us. Unfortunately, the fates have decided this is the path we must take and we must follow it through and allow the goddess to guide us through these troubled times." I replied. 

Again his lips were pursed, his eyes looked tired. He looked like he was troubled. He reminded me of when he was a pup and he was caught doing some mischievous and his parents caught him. He was caught in his own thoughts and I wanted to push him further. I knew he trusted me and I was confident for him but he appeared reluctant to state what was bothering him. 

My thoughts were shaken by the loud and boisterous voice of Alpha Steven Sloan. His appearance had changed over the years, he looked more run down and tired but when he was in the presence of his pups. He seemed happy and content. I could see that he cared for them. 

"Oh my darling little pup I will miss you! How you are grown and my little pup is now a Queen to be." He cooed. I turned around to see that he was sweeping his daughter in a warm embrace. Alpha Sheridan was stood to the side watching them as a few tears leaked from her eyes. There was something about this display of Sheridan that seemed artificial. My wolf growing at me to not underestimate the she-wolf. 

"We will see her shortly darling" Luna Sheridan stated. "We will be there for the engagement party in a few days. All will be well and we will be reunited shortly." She smiled her pearly whites. 

"Mama, Papa, I will be fine you know Ryan will look after me." Lady Elisha replied. 

I hadn't seen much of her over the past few days but she was always mingling. She had this aura about her, many were attracted her to presence. She was a very beautiful she-wolf. She had inherited her mother's beauty. Fire red hair that cascaded down her back, her eyes were a deep green and her skin was tanned from the many nights spent in the summer suns. I could understand her appeal. I could see many unmated males look at her in lust. However, the thing that surprised me was that her behaviour always encouraged their behaviour. She returned their glances, he caressed their arms when they spoke in their flirty tone. 

I knew one thing from my first impression which is that she was a sly and cunning women. I could see her use her looks to develop allies; only time would tell whether this would be an attribute that was beneficial to the pack. My concern was the lack of her nurturing abilities that a Queen should hold. It was clearly something that her mother had lacked to teach her. 

She made her way down to the steps and to the limousine that was waiting for us outside. She preferred to travel by car, where as myself and Alexander would travel by wolf. It was a very unusual way of entering a pack, for we at our fundamental core are wolves. However, she advised that Queen Lamia had arranged for her to be transported, stating that Ryan was worried about her safety. 

My wolf was going nuts at the presence of Elisha and I couldn't anticipate why but from my communication with Alexander I could I was not the only one who was sceptical. I did not know who was responsible for the imbalance when we arrived but the Alpha family are extremely suspicious, unfortunately I do not know who in particular is responsible for this. 

I knew Alexander would have further questions at the engagement party which is why he was content to leave the pack. I am sure he had things to ponder and he knew that there was research I wanted to complete. I didn't tell him what, but after my conversation with Leyla. I knew something sinister was going on and my concern was that Leyla was unprotected and she would be caught in the crossfire. 

I didn't tell Alexander about my conversation with Leyla because I knew that there were ears everywhere and my conversation with her would not be safe. We were too far in distance to communicate via mind-link and I knew something was stopping her from wanting to be a lady in waiting. I remember how excited she first was but since our dinner with the Royal family she hadn't been herself, there had been a shift in her behaviour. I could also sense an increase of power in her wolf which could place her at further risk. 

I was shaken out of my thoughts but Alexander who gently grabbed the top of my arm. "Nona, I said are you ready to leave?" Alexander asked. 

"Yes, I am. Let's go."

Lady Elisha had already entered the vehicle with her parents waving her goodbye. While me and Alexander shifted into our wolves and started running to our destination. 

Our home. 

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