Chapter 31 ~ Party time

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;~; Roy Harper P.O.V ;~;

And here was Roy, with no date to go to Homecoming with, I mean - theres those girls always offering but theres me who wants only one girl.. Yeah I think its obvious.

I might just not go, Dick has like 4 dates at once, he told me he was going to do the multi-ladying trick. And I told him, 'Good luck with that'.

Babs is one of the girls that Dick is multi-ladying, thankfully Scarlett isnt one of them too. She isn't even allowed to date, maybe shes a strong Catholic or something.

Okay, enough thinking Roy, just go to Homecoming and chill. You wont get a chance like this again after I start missions...


I open the shower door and let a whole cloud of steam burst out, I grab the towel on the holder and drape it around my waist, securing it before rushing to the mirror and ruffling my hair.

I speed-walk over to my wardrobe and pull the doors open, quickly pulling out random suits and shirts.

I threw my favourites on the bed, including some socks and boxers.

I shut the wadrobe and walk over to the suits on my bed. I take a good look at them before picking the Black blazer and pants, with plain black tie. I put the rest back in the wardrobe and pulled out a white shirt.

Once I was done dressing, I started walking over to my desk when my phone buzzer went off. I ran over to the bathroom and searched for my old clothes, pulled out my phone from the pockets and saw that it was Scarlett calling me.

I slowly slid the answer button and put the mobile to my small ear.

"Hey! Um, Roy... Uhh.. You're going to Homecoming right?.." She laughed awkwardly, that laugh was so perfect... 

Shut up Roy.

"Oh uh yeah! I'm getting ready right now, do you need a ride or something? You wont look nice riding one of your motorbikes to a party" I laugh, my cheeks were going bright red, I was now scratching the back of my neck like I always did when a cute girl like Scarlett called...

"Oh yeah, that and- I wanted to ask if umm, you had a date?.." I heard her cover the mobile mic and sigh loudly.

I felt like a candle, she was the heat and I was melting.

Roy, get a hold of youself...

Sound cool and calm, just chill. She's just a girl - Geez.

"Oh yeah-"

"You have a date?" 

"Oh no no! I just-"

"Understood, I'll hire a limo, text me your adress kay? See you there" She sweetly says goodbye and ends the call, leaving me there on the bathroom floor in my best tuxedo, shocked.

Problem solved, 

Best. Day. Ever.


A loud honk blared from outside, I quickly rushed over to the power box and shut down all the lights, turning on the security and dashing out the apartment. My hair was ruffled slightly, but slick and my ear piece was deep in my ear so it was basically invisible, just for emergencies. 

I hopped down the stairs and saw a extra long white party bus, and It was definetly NOT a limo.

"Uh, hey! Umm, Dick hitched a ride with us, so yeah - Come on!" Scarlett pokes her head out the window of the party bus, rays of electric blue lazers were coming from the inside of the bus like mad. 

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