Chapter 1 ~ Scarlett Holmes

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His head bounced up, eyes secured on my pupils.
"Ma'am, welcome to the United states army - You're verified and the form should be sent to you in a short period-" I cut him off smoothly, not a word of his overlapping mine.
"Thanks, have a good day" I smiled, walking off with the verification papers and passport. I flapped the the passport about in my hand, my body was over-joying with glee.

I'm finally joining the army for heavens sake, I've gotten this far... Maybe I can get further by standing on the shoulders of giants

I retorted the Einstein quote in my head repeatedly until my motorbike came to my view.

The smokey Gotham air lurked up my nose and all around me. I loved this smell, It gave me the really shivery sensation.

I stopped in front of my motorbike and skimmed the handles with my finger tips before putting my leg over on the side and hugging the bike with my torso.

I'm kind of a powerful girl, muscles and that crap. I'm not a He-she though, thank goodness. I'm just a... Over enthusiastic fighter thats all. I mean, when I was small I always looked up to heroes. I would beg my parents to teach me karate but on my 11th they bought me premium membership to the best place in town.

Stop thinking, I should drive...

My senses tensed up when the sounds of crunching glass sounded. I revved my motorbike and grinded to the middle of the road, spinning around to face the person that was sneaking up on me.

No one was there...

I revved up my motorbike and zoomed down the road, the strong smokey air slapped my cheeks as I rode through the daylight dusks of Gotham.

The traffic lights beamed red and the cars stopped rhythmiclly all together, even spaces from each other.

Come on, I need to tell dad... Turn green please will ya?

A small whirring sound from the left diversion of the road started to rise, every second it got louder and louder until a weird purple and white badly spray-painted lamborghini grinded its tyres and haulted in the middle of the road seperates.
A disgusting zombie-like creature hopped out, a small speaker in his hand. He was smirking from a distance at the cars. He placed the speaker to his lips and blared with laughter meshed in his words.

He span on his heels and pointed at the small slutty clown girl that was adorned in red, black and white. She resembled to Harley Quinn but I was too far to recognise her. She was holding a huge recording camera in her right hand and she was waving with her left.

AND TODAY OUR HOST IS..." Joker continued, his voice was extremely pitched and felt like knives against your ear drums.

He put the speaker down and strut-walked alongside the cars on the left, he prodded and poked car windows until he stopped at the car before me.
"OUR HOST IS THIS BEAUTIFUL LADY!" He yanked the car door open and pulled the lady out by grabbing one of her boobs and her collar.

Thats gotta hurt...

"LET ME G-G-GO!" She
squirmed, trying to push his hand away from her... Well torso?

"NOT UNTIL YOU GIVE ME A LITTLE SOMETHING" He rubbed his thumb on his index and middle finger, which meant 'Jewelry or Cash'
"OK OK BUT PLEASE SET ME DOWN PLEASE" She collapsed onto the floor without the Joker saying a word. He tapped his foot and looked around...
Until his eyes glued to mine

Ohhhh I'm so screwed

She scrammed everywhere and pulled off her jewelry, she dug her office palazzos for her mobile phone and iPod, placing them in his extended pale white hands.
"Good girl, now go ahead and scram to your-"
"HEY DOUCHE BAG" A teenage boy screamed across the road. A whole crowd had gathered and were watching the robbery on the road, especially with no cops.
The Joker twisted his neck slightly and you could clearly tell he was glaring or growling at the boy who called him a douche bag.
"PUT HER DOWN AND GET OUTTA HERE" He started to unlock his car, the boy had blonde hair and papery tan skin. He strolled up to the maniac and punched him right in the cheek bone.
"I think that was a bad idea little one.." The Joker smirked and clutched his neck, he put his thumb on the boys uvula to suffocate him.
And I was here, watching torture happening to the boy.
He deserved to live
That's when I butted in.
I quickly jerked the keys out of the bike insertation and plopped them in my pocket, I was running to the scene, I reached for the boy but the Joker failed to punch me as I dodged it by only tilting myself to the left.
"OOO a feisty one I see" He gave a evil smile, pushing the boy into my chest, causing us to both fall back. I made sure he was OK before I received a hell of a punch from the Joker.
He smirked and pulled a small clown flower from his belt and propped it up on his palm.
"This will only hurt a little" He snorted, accelerating his hand into my leg. A pain hit me all of a sudden. As if there was some virus bug or worm inside my leg that was breeding more and more worms until they all slithered around my body.
"Just a small drug to keep you down" He chuckled, grabbing me from my neck. I saw the boy running away in fear, he massaged his throat and left me here to die in the hands of a maniac...
"Give or die" He whispered in my ear, his smelly rotten breath felt like tickles against my skin after he finished whispering. I was panicking fast, Do or die...
A loud roar came from the sky, a blurry UFO kind of thing landed on the small grassy plains on the left side of the road. The thing turned into a huge red and white covered ship.

"UFOs now?" I grunted, using up the last of my breath. He snapped his head at the ship, giving me a good chance to kick him where 'The sun doesn't shine' and flip him over onto the ground with him in a thigh lock.
"This is why karate is a must" I boast, tightening the pressure in my knees.
He kept struggling and my legs were going out fast because of the clown flower drug. He tried pushing me off with his hands but he failed, instead grabbing a knife from his belt and stabbing me repeatedly in my thigh.

"OUCH" I groan, trying to not cry. The crowd that was watching the crisis started to cheer and news reporters parked their vans outside the border of the crowd.

He finally gave up and so did I.

I collapsed and he got up, dusting his hands. He snapped to the UFO ship which was now releasing a green girl with red hair, a boy with a pure red and yellow skin tight suit and another few others that I will probably fail to describe because of the pain I am now in.
The Joker started chuckling, he pulled out a remote from his belt and pushed a red button on the top. His most likely stolen Lamborghini revved toward me, it was gonna run me over.
I plopped up on my feet, trying to ignore the pain. I walked to the Joker and pressed his conciousness points with my hands.

He started groaning and automatically dropped onto his knees with a perfect face plant to end it off.

"Wow, she took out the Joker" A boy gasped from the weird ship.

I started to hear clapping behind me. I fell back on my knees in pain, my hair fell in front of my face and smiled under my curtaining hair.

I felt a gloved hand on my back, I quickly snapped up to see the red haired boy with the yellow and red suit.

"Woah! You kicked his butt and didn't even break a sweat" He smiled, pushing me up into a bridal carry,
"Hello?!.. Your OK right?" He took a look around I saw the people from the UFO taking my bike.

"Mmm-make sure you take my bike to the hospital, My bike is my life" I mumbled quietly, I stuck my index and middle in my wound to avoid extreme blood loss.

"Thats a mean wound" He made a hissing sound after he finished staring at my leg.

"A team member Is going to ride your bike to the hospital" He turned and gave a thumbs up to a boy with midnight black hair and a eye mask. Im guessing thats Robin.

"Trust me?"
"Trust you"

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