Chapter 53 ~ New members

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Shopping taught me to shut the hell up and to be myself, not to act like a puny jealous little girl. Now I think back to how I stormed out the shop when the lady teased me. She was obviously upsetting me on purpose. Dum prick.


I wish I just died there at that very spot, that very moment. That would have been better than getting all that attention and 'Sorries' from Dick.

Why am I even thinking about it?

If I just forget what happened and star freshly... Yeah good idea.

Eurgh, its Zatanna.

"Did I interrupt your mid-day dreaming session, Scarlett?" She posed sassily and had her hat in her hand, tracing the rim with her index finger.

"Well done, people figured out my name ages ago" I clapped sarcastically and got up off the lounge sofa, walking out the door with her trailing behind me.

"Scarlett, what's your problem with me? What have I even done to you?" She groaned.

You were born

"You um, you wore that outfit? And only buddies can call me that" I face palmed, trying to hold in my smile from what I had just said in my head. I looked around to see that I had just walked into the kitchen.

"Wow, have you ever looked in the mir-"

"Stop getting disses off google, you're pissing me off. And please stop following me" I mutter, yanking the fridge door open and grabbing a carton of Muscle Milk and a slice of dark chocolate cake.

"You know what, fine. I came here because Black Canary wanted me to be friends with you, apparently it affects missions. I'm going anyway, I don't like wasting time on children" she stormed off.

"I don't object" I shout loud enough for her to hear, smiling to myself happily as I grabbed a bowl and put the cake in there.

I absent mindedly poured milk into the bowl with the cake in.

"Ugh... What did I just do..." I slam the milk down and grab a spoon from the holder, eating the weird mix anyway.

The taste was no different, except for the cake being damp and soggy with no texture to the icing whatsoever.

I eat it forcefully, each spoonful sailing down my mouth.

I stop eating and pause just as the spoon was inches away from my mouth when I hear a person running up the tunnel to where I was.

Not any sooner, K.F appeared right in front of my face.

"Whatzup doc?" He gave me a smug smile and turned to look at the bowl of cake and Milk.

"Dont ask, I blame Zatanna" I got up and made my way out the kitchen when he sped in front of me.

"Everyone blames her, except for Nightwing, he treats her like shes royalty or something" He blabbered, going on and on without realizing how confused I was.

He looked down at my torso and finally noticed my top that had I <3 NIGHTWING on it.

"K.F, what can I call you?" I ask, changing the topic to keep my emotions in the bag before they exploded.

"You mean, When can you call me" He winked, slowly walking up the tunnel by my side.

"I smashed my phone, what can I call you? I mean like, names" I stuttered, looking at his face, spammed with freckles.

"Wally, Wally west" He smiled, we reached the end of the tunnel and ended up in the main hall, again.

"Oh, hey Scarlett!" I spotted Dick in his uniform, running over to me while I was still in the I ♥ Nightwing Shirt.

"Uh hey" I patted his chest and gestured him to spill the news.

"The new team members are here, oh and Batman needs to run some tests on you, he thinks that there's something wrong with your powers or something"He briefed, putting his arm around me and walking off, leaving Wally speechless and lonely.

"Dude, I was talking to her" He caught up, standing next to me.

"Wally, she's my girl" Dick boasted, squeezing my shoulder.

"No-one owns me" I roll my eyes, smacking his arm away from me.

Why does he think that he owns me?

I walked over to the group of newbies in the center of the main hall, leaving the two guys alone to ponder in their dumb thoughts. When I had reached a proper spot, from my point of view it looked like Batman was smelling a boy with the Robin costume on.

Robin costume?

Oh dear god, no more Robins please.

"Oh my- Its the RENEGADE!" A blonde haired girl with a big gold W plate on her chest ran to me and looked up at me.

"YOU ARE SO..Uh...Umm..." She was lost in words.

"O.P" The Robin boy pinged, she nodded and gave him a warm smile, before turning to me again.

"What he said" She chuckled.

"I wish I knew what that meant" I laughed, feeling a bit awkward with Batman looking at me like I was a terrible celebrity.

"It means, overpowered, or some people just say that because is sounds cool" Robin corrected, again.

"Thanks" I nod to him and look at the rest of the newbies. They looked pretty cool being totally honest, I hope one replaces Zatanna.

"Please do remember that a special person will be coming in a few minutes, they will also join the team. You guys are lucky to have her" Canary butted in.

"Okay... I wonder who she is.." I huffed, looking at Batman in a tired way.

"She's a Tamarian princess, she finally decided to join the team so she had to leave her planet" M'gann started, mumbling some more stuff that I couldn't hear.

"Oh Goody" I sigh.

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