Chapter 36 ~ Terrorist Alert

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I threw the three guys into a corner, watching them bleed non-stop. I turned to see a group of police men, armed and aiming guns rght at my forehead.

I stepped forward and sighed, using my shield to destroy the guns, they dropped the gun to the floor and gasped stepping back a few steps.

It was my time to introduce myself and to tell them I was not harm, I was a new hero.

"Chill, I'm not bad okay? I'm the Renegade and I am here to help you, not to hurt you. Just take those guys out to the nearest hospital and interrogate them, they might have some info you are after" I boldly speak, they nod hesitantly before rushing over to the slumped up men in the corner.

I teleport out the station and into Gotham, I needed data on Lex Luthor to find out why he killed my parents.

I teleported to the heli-pad on the top of Lex Corp main building, but before I could even plan on what to do next, my police scanner went wild and it was coming from a different country.

I hid behind a huge pipe and tapped in to see the YJ already making their way to the scene, it was a terrorist attack in a school around the Central city in Pakistan.

I sighed, my heart sunk because of how far the place was, I couldn't teleport there...

I have a debate in my head for a few seconds, sadly "Teleport your ass" wins and I groan before imaging the destination in my head, I let the power take me away.


"HEY WALLY, GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" I shout, rushing over to the bio-ship and starting it up for M'gann's sake. The ship starts up and I hope in, pushing the entrance button to let all the others in. Wally was the last, he was slowly walking in with a over-filled spilling taco in his left hand, it was staining his suit .

"Hey, wha-whats-up?" He walks over to his seat and the ship buckles him in while he continues to munch on the taco. Artemis crossed her arms, glaring at the greedy team mate.
Someone else ran in before the ship door could close. It was Red Arrow, in his new uniform ready to fight.

"Im doing this for the kids, not you guys" He chuffed. Superboy reacted with a growl making RA uncomfortable.

"Right, lets go, I set the coordinates we just need to hang on for a few minutes" I sigh trying to break the raw fight. The ship revved up and skimmed the mountain before zooming out east.



I darted over a small hill and slid down the steep side, quickly loading my gun and lunging at the school door, I gulped when the sounds of children screaming came from the hallway, my heart was stuck in my throat and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I clicked my gun and got low, crouching into the first room which was the auditorium. I sprung up and walked carefully, not to tread on anything that would attract attention.

A small wheeze came from under the stage, I was about to sprint over to the sound but I tripped over something. My boot smacked it hard, I turned on my heels and found a small boy sprawled across the floor. He was slightly tan, raven hair which reminded me of Dick's hair, the boy also had a green blood stained blazer.

I coughed, It was a gut wrenching sight. I couldnt bear it. I crouched down next to the boy and layed my gun down next to him, quickly pulling him up onto my back.

I felt the body move, it shook and the boy jumped off my back.

He was alive.

"I-I am alive, I was just acting- Please dont hurt me!" He put his hands forward and found that my gun was still on the floor. He kneeled down slowly and grabbed it, aiming at me.

"Im peaceful, put the gun down, Im here to save you" I whisper, turning my head slowly to hear loud footsteps coming from the hallway followed by shrieks.

"Oh, Im so sorry!" He handed me then gun and leaned forward, hugging my bare belly area.

Once he detached from me, he ran over to the stage where the sounds of wheezing came from. I got down on my knees and found that the boy was actually related to a girl that was crying under the stage.

"Alanya, come out, shes nice" He pulled his sister out and they both had a huge resemblence, probably twins.

The girl stepped forward, scanning my clothes and body before pulling my mask off.

"Th-thank you" She smiled, a tear fell down her cheek just before a loud gun went off. The girl dropped the mask and whimpered.

"ALANYA HIDE!" The boy screamed, pulling me under the stage and his sister with both our arms.

I swirled out his grip and shoved them deep under the stage, grabbing my mask off the floor and sticking it back on my face. I get my gun ready and get down on the floor, rolling under the seats.

I see five pairs of feet all going around the room in different directions. They were wearing weird arabian boots and had splats of blood around the lower area.

What the fuck am I going to do?

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