Chapter 16 ~ Dinner

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The picture above IS NOT Scarlett, just the dress idea to help you imagine the scene.



Alfred pulled over on the side of her front gates. We got out and bidded farewell to Alfred who drove off with no problem or concern. The huge black clunky metal bars towered over me and Bruce. We stood there clueless until I remembered what she had said to me.

"Scar told me the code, hold on" I walked over to the keypad and slowly punched in the buttons with my right thumb. The gate made a beeping noise before cranking open.

"Okay..." Bruce's eyebrow wiggled and I lead him across her patio to her big woody front door.

Bruce pushed the doorbell calmly and stood tall and smart unlike me, I stood there like a over-excited toddler. I looked at Bruce and back at the door, no longer was I small like my original 13 year-old self.

I crossed my arms and poked the door bell again. This time I heard loud screams and chatting. Bruce furrowed his brows and widened his eyes in confusion. The sounds were extremely concerning.

"ELLIE GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE SOFA" I heard a voice scream.

I'm guessing that's... Scarlett?

Lucky guess - It really was her.

"EDWARD IS ABOUT TO KISS THAT HOE" I heard Ellie yell, there were some loud thuds and booms before Bruce tried the doorbell again.


After some awkward silent minutes with Bruce the door finally was opened by a small and nervous Ellie.

She was wearing a short black dress with repetitive patterned sequins. She wore quite a casual dress but it suited her well. Ellie greeted us, shook hands with Bruce and I, then she took us inside to the dining room.

"So this is the Holmes place" I snickered, scanning every inch of the big home with my small curious eyes.

"Yeah, well done Dick" She clapped sarcastically and then stopped when she realised Bruce was there.

"Ok were here" She pointed to the long and classy dining table that absorbed the space of the huge room. The floor was a dark greyish marble and the ceiling had a funky crystal chandelier. The dining chairs were tucked in all around and each one had some fancy carvings and leather seating.

"Welcome to fancy town, Mr Wayne - You're here" She pointed to the grand chair, it was the chair at the end. Another chair was across the other end and was the exact same. Ellie continued and told me to sit in the chair next to Bruce's. The dining plates were extremely fancy... Not to mention the three different types of each Spoon, fork and knives.

Once we settled down we heard gentle footsteps echoing down the hallway. Bruce turned immediantly away from the table and faces the entrance to the Dining room.

I tilted my head a bit to look past Bruce's grand shoulders. And 'suprise suprise', it was the lady of the evening...

She entered with confidence and stopped to Bruce's right. He got up after a decent second and shook her hand. Once Bruce sat down her dress was visible.

A thin black body-tight lace dress, with a shaped neckline and long sleeves. In my opinion, she looked simply stunning.

"Ummm.. Dick are you alright?" She cocked her head forward in confusion and knocked me out of my dreamland.

"Oh yeah- Yup sorry. You look awesome" I threw a smirk at her since Bruce wasnt looking, her expression wasn't readable. It only showed happiness.

"Good, you dont look too bad yourself - You two" She smiled at me then turned to Bruce.

"Thank you" He replied, gesturing to the seat opposite his. The Grand chair..

"I'm gonna quickly go serve... Y-yeah" She poked Ellie and she jumped up, following Scarlett away to her maze-for-a-home.

"She looks like a nice girl, are you sure you dont like her or anything" I listened to Bruce murmur and I turned to him, his face let out a smile which meant he was hinting at me. He NEVER smiled.

"Um no" I reply and start to daze off somewhere else other than Bruce's trancing eyes.

She returned with a big tray of plates and fancy drinks - They looked a LOT like alchoholic drinks.

"Ellie - The crackers" She mumbled loudly, a sound of shoes screeching against the floor came from the kitchen. That indicated that Ellie went back over to get the crackers.

"Thanks Scar" I whispered to her as she set the plate down on my plate mat. I turned to Bruce who was obviously trying to hold in his smile. He was struggling badly.

I nudged him and he stopped, coughing and thanking Scar for the food.

"Its ravioli, I didnt want to go over the top - You know" She sighed, settling down and placing Ellie's plate on the mat.

"I FOUND GRAHAM CRACKERS" She squealed, rushing into the room and waving the packet around like it was her ticket to Vegas.

Scar sighed and gestured for her to sit down.

"If you stop getting over excited over your favourite movie, i'll buy you a human size Jacob Black" She groaned, massaging her temples and looking up to me and Bruce, we were cluelessly looking at her like lost puppies.

"Sorry, she gets excited sometimes" Scar sighed and turned to Ellie who had cheeks redder than tomatoes.

"Right.." Bruce trailed off and grabbed his drink.

"Are the drinks alchoholic?" Bruce looked over his shoulder at my drink. He watched it then turned to Scar again.

"No, just yours" She smiled and then picked up her drink, so did I and Ellie.

"Thank you for inviting us, may your Uncle rest in peace" Bruce put the drink up in the air like everyone else and then drank it.

After we drank we began eating, Ellie was eating keenly unlike Scar. After the mentioning of her Uncle her expression had dampened. She wasnt like her normal self.

She's cute in every expression

Woah Dick, shut up

Stop thinking like that.

Ok good.

She doesnt like you anyway... O-kay

"So, Scarlett. Where are your parents?" Bruce started off, cutting up his ravioli finely.

"My dad had this important meeting thing and it was in my mom's favourite town so she went along with him. Its really far so I guess its going to take some weeks until they return" She replied, chewing softly.

Bruce hummed and nodded.


After the long night me and Bruce were picked up by Alfred. We left and Scarlett still had her upset expression plastered to her small attractive face.

Attractive?... Stop..

Seriously Dick

But I have to admit, she is pretty hot. I just, cant say that when I'm Robin - But I'm Dick Grayson, the foster son of Bruce Wayne, the greatest Playboy around.

So I think I should act like a Playboy.

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