Chapter 11 ~ Dinner and Death

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I collapsed onto the floor and pulled my water bottle that was shoved down my shorts, since the teachers told me I wasnt allowed to put it around the border of the place. My legs were tired of jumping around and failing. I cranked my head around and found that Roy was shooting looks at Dick and Scarlett.

And seriously, these were the 'Jealousy looks' - He really needs to chill, Dick is way too immature for Scarlett, since shes a over-serious weirdo. But I should check out Roy, he looks really pissed... I dont know.

"HEY ROY" I shout, hopping up on my feet and shoving my water bottle back in my shorts. I quickly run over to Roy like a dumb toddler, his eyes were less tense and now he looked like he was going to backhand slap me because of how annoying I was, and it was SO true.

"Ugh, Ellie what now?" He ruffled his hair and his perfect muscles slumped against the tent pole. I steadied myself after falling because of his perfection, my mouth wouldn't move. I stood there like a vegetable waiting for his mouth to depart but instead he got off the pole and walked off.

"Wait!" I ran after him and he turned around and sighed resentfully.

"Do you like Scarlett?" I hint, his face immediantly went redder than a beetroot and he blinked his eyes before storming off again. I stood there with my muscles stuck and my brain processing the reaction I just recieved from Mr. Hottie Harper. So now I was standing in front of the entrance to the school, my muscles were resting and I hadn't budged until someone picked me off my feet. Suprisingly, it was Scarlett and her future husband.

"Wow, nice Scar" He smirked at me and did a small wave. Once Scarlett set me down with a proud smile, her eyes locked on mine and she was smart enough to scan the endless thought buzzing through my hollow brain.

"Ellie, spill it - Whats wrong?" She had her worry face on and her eyebrows went into arc shapes.

"Ummm.... I'll tell it to both of you" I trace the outline of my index finger nail while telling them about what happened a few minutes ago.

"Dick, whats wrong" I shake him by the shoulder gently and find him lost in his own world. He turns around and then digs through his pocket for his mobile.

"Bruce is coming down, guys dont act dumb" He turned again and never turned back to us. Scarlett turned around and shook Bruce's hand and she started introducing herself. My heart skipped a beat when I realised it wasn't some butthole called Bruce, its was THE Bruce Wayne.

"And you are?" A loud confident voice came from my left and I sharply turned around, slipping over on a muddy patch of grass.

Way to go Ellie, now he probably is comparing you to Bella Swan, she's a dumb bum

I felt someone's hand on my back before I could collide with the floor. I'm pretty sure it was Scar since her hands are tiny.

I spotted Bruce looking at me in a confused way, like I was the Gender Bender of Joker.

"Uhhh, I'm Ellie Williams, Scarlett's Sis- No I meant Friend" I hoist myself up and dust my shorts. My casual acting turned into a Bella Swan fiasco.

"Aha yes" He smiled, his face was huge (In the good way) I dont know, he just scared me. And his outfit didnt suit him AT ALL, jeans and a bagg top made him look like a Wannabe-Teenager.

"Bruce, do you mind watching me and Scar play some Volleyball before we-" He was cut off straight when a small man appeared next to me, he was the delivery or messager of the school. I stepped away from him and minded my step to avoid slipping again.

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