Chapter 14 ~ Going Alone

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I slammed my laptop shut and slid it back under the bed, running over to my wardrobe and digging for some incognito style clothing. I rummaged for quite a long time until a black hoodie with deep gold edges showed up. I launched it across the room and it half-landed on my mini couch which was quite far from my bed.

"SCARLETT WERE 13 MINUTES LATE" I heard Stephen yell from downstairs. I paused and looked down at my bra.

No shirt, just hoodie and skin tight jeans...

good, I need to grow up.

I turn around and search the clothes I threw out of my wardrobe while finding the hoodie. I pick up my torn black jeggings and throw them onto my couch too, it landed fully and not half this time.

I crouched down onto my knees and extended my arm out into the bottom section of my wardrobe, grabbing black combats with gold lace rings.

I throw them too and begin gathering the excess clothing, chucking them back into my wardrobe.

Slamming the door shut, I skipped over to the clothes that lingered around my couch.

I pulled them all on and covered my red hair with the hood, my hair wasnt in its normal plait - I never really gave a crap so I opened my door and the first thing I heard was footsteps getting louder every second.

Run, jump off the balcony or try to teleport. Dont go with Stephen...

I reversed back into my room and shut the door, running over to the balcony and sliding the huge door open.
The outside wind clashed with my face, I hopped onto the balcony and turned around to face the room door. It was fully visible as it was opposite the balcony door.

I was sure that if I were to jump off the balcony or try to break the fall with something it would be the same definition of suicide. So I decided to try and teleport, if I failed to then Stephen would smother his anger all over my face.

The sounds of footsteps were louder than ever - The steps stopped and the door knob started rattling.

My mind went into concentration, I was trying my hardest to teleport. I did it once and i'm sure I can do it again. I need to try... I'm sure I can do it

The door stopped rattling and Stephen's voice threw worrying words. I thought he would get ngry but I guess I was wrong.

C'mon, try harder..

You can do it...

I watched my hands disintigrate into black and orange flames, they were confusing and scary - I shut my eyes and all the heavyness had dissapeared, replacing pain with ease.

I opened my eyes, and found myself no longer on my balcony but instead in a darkened and murky alleyway.

Thank god it worked, I really do have powers.

Superhero for sure,

For my dear Uncle.

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