Chapter 4 ~ Too young

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I rode my bike to the garage entrance but didnt shut it off. Instead I waited for my Uncle to catch up and open it up. I'd rather not get my favourite bike robbed (Oh and, I have more) Jealous much?

I turn my head around and position my elbow on the front if the bike, I prop my chin on my fist and wait for him to arrive.

Ok, so - When I was driving, everyone was looking at me with a hillarious facial expression planted on their faces. I'm sure that you would also do this as you dont see a girl in shorts and a tight tanky driving a motorbike illegally, but I guess this is Gotham so its normal. Police dont give a poo.

The wind brushes past my face, my hair was like a wave, it would flow when the wind sailed past it. I felt shivers trickling down my spine. I guess that would happen if you're wearing a tank top...

My palms get tired of my pointy chin, so I decide to get off the motorbike and get into the garage from the inside of the house. But still, he isnt here...

I sling my pack off back and rest it in my lap, I rummage through it for the keys and then freeze when I hear a metallic rattle. I stick my head in the bag and grab them, then I walk over to the front door and click the lock open.

I enter the house and I hear a loud smash from the kitchen. I limp gently to avoid any extra pain, when I was walking to the kitchen to find a jaw-dropped mother.

"WHHHHAT! IS THIS A PRANK? She comes racing at me and pricks her foot on some broke plate bits. I quickly rush down and push her foot up, pulling the glass off her heel. I shove the other pieces that were covered in her fresh red blood aside, to avoid any more accidents. I turn my head a bit and find a pair of legs behind my mothers.

Dad... Doesnt he care?

"And someone in here thinks a dumbass paper is more important than their wife" I smirk with sarcasm and annoyance. I wasnt smirking with cheekiness, I was smiling with hate and pain.

"Well, theres something called common sense. Dont be rude young lady" He shakes his paper to get rid of the crinkles that blocked his words. HE brings the paper up to his face and starts to squint at it like if it was his greatest enemy or fear.

"Ummm, my foot hurts?" My mother sarcastically laughed and pointed at her heel. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her foot. I pulled her leg up and guided her to the living room couch.

"Mom just stay there, i'll go check on Uncle Noogie and get the first aid kit. I'll be a second" I zoom off to the store room that was positions right before the stairs. I walked to it and rushed when I was only metres away, I yanked it open and fell on my back when a Flash of a illusion hit me.

I fell back straight on my thigh.

I screamed.

My voice was like knives being lodged into your neck, I had my full weight on the stab wound and I started breathing deeply. I didnt feel any tears or water in my eyes, I just froze and stared at the store room.

"WHATS GOING ON??" I heard a pain struck voice from behind me at the front door. Uncle Noogs

"I... fell over" I whimper and grab the stair railing and heave myself up onto my boot-covered feet.

He looks at me in a worried expression, then he walks to me and gives me a short noogie on the head.

"So why were you in the store room? Oh and I put the vehicles in the garage" He smiles.

"Mom cut her foot on broke plate bits" I reply, pointing at the living room.

"Ill treat her, you go get changed into some heavy trousers to avoid any more accidents" He gestures to the stairs. I starts taking one step by one.

I climb up the humungous mountain and stride into my bedroom across the short hallway. I slam the door behind me and collapse onto my king size bed.

What the hell was that?...

It was like, me

Wait - Not me but, with red eyes and messed up hair

What am I even thinking about? Just shake it off Scar

I sit up on the edge of the bed and start picking on the bandages that hugged my leg. I kept poking the stab wound until the bandage came undone

I peeled it off to see the whole wound had dissapeared.

Holy- thats freaky...

Whats going on oh my god

I'm about to scream UNCLE I'VE GONE MAD, when I stop at the end of 'U' and turn back to my long-gone wounds.

Dont tell him.

I sigh and get up, walking to my head-to-toe mirror and start to peel off the bandages on my leg. I peel them off carefully and then stick them in the trash can next to the study desk.

Once I'm done, I take off my boots and I start to make my way to my wardrobe, I fling it open and start scavenging for my baggy camos. I grab a Hollister camo hoodie while in the search and chuck that onto the king sized bed.

I raise the camo up and chuck that on the bed and start to rummage for my black fuzzies.

I throw those on the bed too, then I shut the wardrobe and strip down, leaving me on with only my black plain crop-top and shorts.

And yeah, I dont wear a bra. Makes your boobs look like footballs. And boys love to play football.

So I wear my awesome bazoomas and black lace bum-tight boxers.

I start to slip on my clothes, until im finally left with a pile of my old used hospital shorts and tank.

Wait - Someone cahnged me at the hospital then?

I swear...

"SCARLETT!" I hear my Uncle call me. I rush to the door and go back to the mirror, slipping my boots back on. I skip downstairs without any pain attacking me.

"Why arent there any bandage shadows on your leg?" He scanned my leg when I stopped just before a step.

"Um, I had to put fresh ones-"

"They put on the special plastic ones, they weren't supposed to come off until next week" He moaned, pinching the bridge of his nose in tension.

"Ugh its fine, geez" I wandered off to the front door and he stops me.

"I called you because your father bought you a scholarship to Gotham prep Academy, or whatever it is" HE chuckled, pointing to my father in the kitchen, slowly munching on his plain buttery toast.

"Why does he give a shit" I mean and fling the door open, striding out like a boss.

I hear my Uncle's familiar footsteps pacing away and then they get louder until he appears at the doorway and walks to me with a thick file in hand.

"Go ride over to Gotham Academy tommorow and apply these forms, you need a decent school to join the Army" He laughs and walks off, turns right before stepping into the home and flicks his two fingers with the 'Army salute motion'.

I chuckle to myself quietly

Ok, Highsc- Wait, Academy? Oooh Fancy

Well then, here I come...


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