Chapter 9 ~ Dont. Look. At. My. Legs.

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The bell finally pounded, my stomach moaned for food so I jumped up from my science stool and jumbled my things together, the boy that was sat staring at me the whole period reminded me of Ellie - Oh shit, I didnt meet Ellie.

I shoved everything in my bag and dashed out of the door, I began pulling my skirt up in discomfort and bolted to the lunch room like my life was depending on it. I stopped next to the entrance and scanned the whole room for the table Ellie told me yesterday.

Big, blue and round... Ummmm.... Nothing... Everything is white

I chewed my gum and turned to my right, I heard purring noises and snickers, lets not forget the wolf whistles. I foung the football guys snickering at me. Like, what the fuck.

I cocked my head forward and took a better look, the guys were about Roy's age, 17 or 18. Not sure, but they kept scanning my legs and snickered at me.

God damn this uniform. I really HATE it.

I felt my heart pound so hard that it almost felt like it was going to rip through my skin and escape. I've never been in this situation, I feel SO uncomfortable.

One of the reasons why girls suck.

I tighten my bag strap and walk right up to their table, my eye brows furrowed and discomfort bubbling inside me. They all looked up and smiled.

"Hello, miss. Whatsup" One of the blonde guys shrugged his eyebrow and smiled at me.

"Your so fu-" I was cut off, not at the right time since I was about to fuse and go nuts...

"Hey Scarlett, why are you here?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Dick worried as hell. I dusted his hand off my shoulder and turned back to the group of football jocks. They all were glaring but mischief was shimmering in their eyes. This is annoying...

"Do you eye-up every new girl that cones here?" I question quietly, catching a few people's attention. The scene was unusual and would easily slip gossip from people's mouthes in this school.

"What are you talking about?" A different guy puts his hands in the air as a surrender and starts faking his innocence.

"Dont piss me off you douchebag" I snap, my mood was completely changed and now I felt like beating this guy's ass to the bone.

"What the hell did we do? Except from minding our own buisness" He laughed sarcastically and stood up.

"Uh Scarlett, just walk away. Dont start fights" Dick put his hand on my shoulder and started to force me but I dusted it off again. This time I moved closer to the guy that stood up and shot sharp looks at him.

"Move it missy, go fight with someone your own size" He poked me on the chest, he did a 'Tut tut' noise and crossed his arms.

"Hey orphan boy, go take your gir-" I cut him off nicely with one simple action.

I punched him in the cheek and he went tumbling over the boy sat next to him.

"Scar, we should go. NOW" He put his hand securely on my shoulder and pulled me to him. I turned to see a whole lunch room full of people looking at me with lost looks.

"Why did you punch him? Just walk away" Dick whispers, annoyance in his voice. He led me outside and we ditched the whole drama case.

"Just shut up, I did what I did OK? He was looking at my legs and winking at me" I mumble, spinning Dick around when we reached the far corner of the courtyard.

"Why didnt you fight back when they called you- Wait what, you never told me that" I yell loudly but my voice fades away when dissapointment takes over my thoughts.

"I was going to tell you, but you talk too much" He fired at me.

"Back to the topic of the show, I punched him because my anger took control over me, If we were outside of school I would of thrown him across Gotham" I fire back, anger was piling up again.

"Forget it, now everyone is looking at us" He pointed behind me and I turned to find a group of girls staring at us. I turned back to Dick and noticed I was beyond close to him.

"Heh, personal space too" He put both hands on my collar bone area and pushed me back.

"Um, What now?.." I trail off when a loud 'Hey!' comes from my left.

I turn around to see an auburn haired guy running up to us, behind him was a small blonde girl and a medium sized redhead.

"Scarlett, why did you punch Carswell in the face?" Roy stopped next to me, his tie was a mess and his shoe laces were untied.

"Wait, whats wrong with your uniform?" I tilt my head and check his whole uniform from head to toe.

"Um, drama lesson?" He replied, running his hand through his fiery red hair.

"Uh okay, hey Babs" I look behind him and find her with all her concentration put on her smartphone.

"Oh.. hi" She replied, flicking on her phone.

"Back to my question, why'd you punch him?"
He was clueless and looked adorable. This look was 100% better than his serious look that he had sewn to his face a day ago.

"H-He looked at my legs and then gave me that weird look" I replied, regret was now spreading across my face. I ignore it and jumped immediantly when Ellie came out of nowhere.

"SCARLETT! YOUR SO BADASS!" I find ellie pushing through Babs and Roy, she seperates me from Dick and then grabs my arms.

"You're scaring me" I smile awkwardly and then check around us.

"Yeah uh, soz. Anyway, you punched Carswell? O.M.G!" She waves her fists around and paces about.

Everyone was technically staring at me after Ellie's statement. Dick had his deep blue eyes stuck in mine, Roy was looking at me then Dick, me then Dick repeatedly like they do in the movies, when the dude asks the couple if they kissed or something like that. I'm not a romance watcher, I prefer gore and horror so...

The bell was about to go...

"They bell is gonna pound any second now..." I bite my bottom lip and smirk at Dick who was shaking his head.

The bell pounded and we still stood there like we didnt care... In the awkward moment

"Ring, not pound" He sighed. His face lit up when my smirk hit him.

"I dont care, again - Cute yet Immature" I repeat, crossing my arms and turn to Roy who was standing there like an annoyed young boy.

"Does that count as flirting? I cant tell the difference" Babs looked up at me and shut her smartphone finally. Roy shot up at her after the comment

"Uh no. Just friend talk. Shoot, I didnt have lunch" I groan, holding my belly in pain.

"I have a cheeseburger in my bag if you-" Roy pointed to his bag and I immediantly dug into my blazer pocket and started to fish out some money.

"I guess thats a yes" He smiles, pulling out a plain small box and handing it to me.

"I dont need the change, seriously" He threw his hands forward in a stop signal, but I gently took his hand and placed the money in it, I closed it after. I pushed his hand back and looked up to see his cheeks red as his hair.

"Shut your mouth and take it, anyways. See you at volleyball" I smile and poke Dick who was thinking like a lost child next to me. I slapped him gently and he frowned at me.

"You have to hit me dont you?" He replied, pulling his strap onto his shoulder and sighed with a smile.

I smirk and giggle slightly.

"Anyways, I cant wait to beat you at VB" He smiled, patting Roy on the back hard and taking off, leaving me with no chance to reply.

"Babs we have to go, you too Ells" I hook my arms in theirs and pull them to the P.E department.


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