Chapter 22 ~ Hijacked

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I finished my breakfast and set the tray of dirty plates aside onto my bedside table. I walked over to my wardrobe and quickly dressed into my uniform, with my ripped jeans still on.

"Damn it, I cant wear a skirt" I rasp, looking down at my little patches of visible skin. I turn back to my wardrobe and slip my skirt off, throwing it back inside the wardrobe.

I search around the fancy wardrobe, throwing clothes everywhere until I find a pair of black skinny fit office pants.

"Cool, this'll do" I kick some clothes into the wardrobe and wiggle into the office pants. My skinny ripped jeans were still underneath the office pants, just in case.

Now I had my blouse, tie, blazer and pants on. I dart over to to my school plimsoles and slip them on, I rush outside with my bag, keys, phone and wallet.

The smell of bacon and eggs snaked up my nose and made my stomach grumble.

Man, am I hungry
And greedy

I'll eat something at school, I also need wifi - This hotel sucks cos of the fact that theres no wifi.


All of a sudden I fall over and feel the ground go uneven, like I was on the edge of the top of a staircase -



I groan and try to get up but I fall back and do uneven backrolls down the steps, my spine smashing against the edges of the stairs.

"MISS NOO!" A boy shouts, I could see quick flashes of a young teenager speeding down the stairs with guilt and worry moulded in his face.

I kept rolling until a slow creak finished it off. I stopped and uncurled, my back clicked and the boy reached the last step. And right now, I was in the middle of a lobby. Everyone was staring at me like I was a lunatic.

But seriously, I was born a lunatic.

And will always stay one


;~; 3 HOURS LATER... ;~;


Ellie ran away with her books cramped up in her arms, the bell just pounded and I was starting to make my way to mathematics. Which was, all the way across on the other side of the school.

And my back still hurt after the stair roll, It's 100% my fault.

I was walking with the crowds of students when I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder. Turning immediantly, I was right in front of the Jock that was checking out my legs.

"Hey Scarlett" He smiles, throwing a toothy grin and running his slim hand through his hazel hair.

"Hello and bye" I lash out, he freezes and raises a eyebrow.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could be my date for homecoming this friday?" He sighs, later on giving a hint of his smile.

Shit, the dance - I need to ask if I can get a date for the dance.

And a dress

"Um, sorry. My dad is strict and doesnt allow me on dates ecsetera" I retort, quickly turning and bumping into another person. I went back and fell in the Jock's arms. I was literally slouched and my blouse was above my bellybutton, revealing my underwear outline.

"Ooh, sorry" I looked up to see Dick sending uncomfortable looks at the Jock.

"Shes yours" He quickly handed me to Dick and threw his hands up in the air as a surrender.

"If you say that again, i'll loose it" I mutter, getting out of Dick's arms and loosening up my shoulders before heading off in the opposite direction to my class.

"Screw you Grayson, I HAD A CHANCE" I heard the Jock bark at Dick.

But I simply carried on without any guilt or weight on my shoulders.

Not anymore..

I reached Math in a sharp few minutes and sat down in the seat at the far back of the class, where no-one could poke me from behind or tease me.

"Welcome students, today we are doing linear graphs and algebra equations" Mr Kilmurray started, walking to the board and drotting the title, date and objectives.

I sat there with my bag as a footrest under the table and my desk clear, not bothering to get any of my books out.

I leaned forward and sighed, watching the pen glide across the board gracefully.

My mind was focused on what my suit would look like, since I was planning to make a official uniform in a couple of months.

I also wanted to make a few guns and gauntlets because my uncle taught me how to make devices and interesting gadgets.

And yes, its legal - Dont worry, I'm not an ass.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mr Kilmurray blurted out.
"Miss Holmes? The Principle would like your presence at her office" A loud voice yelled at me from the front of the room.

"Ok" I shot a fake smile and jumped up, grabbing my bag and running out of the room with along with everyones attention.

I wandered if i was in trouble or if I had some more bad news, god knows.

I turned some corners until the huge golden name plate on a door showed up, I felt my heart pace quicken and I remembered when my dad hung up on me.

I knock on the door and she replies 'Come in'.

Walking in, the sounds of a pencil sharperner grinding led is followed by my footsteps. She sat there with a pale tone on her face.

"Miss Holmes, sit down please" She smiles weakly, gesturing to the seat.

"Thanks, so whats going on?"

"Chief of military is coming to pick you up in two hours, because of this" She sighed, grabbing the remote on her desk and pushing the ON button at the top.

"BREAKING NEWS - General Holmes' private jet was hijacked and taken control of a few minutes ago. Before Security cameras were cut off, we have evidence that three men under disguise had crept onto the aircraft. General Holmes and his wife are currently under death threat by the three hijackers. Jennifer Oronze, Gotham Live, Gotham Airport.

"YOUR FUCKING KIDDING ME" I burst, bolting out the door leaving her speechless.

I speed out and into the bathrooms, locking myself in a cubicle and teleporting off to the hotel room.

Mom, Dad - I'm coming

Hang on tight.

I wont dissapoint you

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