Chapter 47 ~ No Jealousy

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I start the morning by falling off the bed, last night's shower was maybe too relaxing. I look up at the rocky wall to see a clock stating the time, it was exactly 6 in the morning.

I rub my butt and heave myself up, the floor was hard so my butt took a hell of a slam. I throw my plait off my front and let it hang down my back.

I was only wearing a grey tank top and some basketball shorts and of course my mask. The shorts were borrowed by Superboy since my closet was empty and I was too lazy to teleport home to get my own.

I walk over to the bathroom and leave the door open, I slump down on the toilet seat and begin my 'buisness'.
Once I'm done I flush, wash and do my face.

No, not make-up, I just cleaned my face with the pump thing, which was probably the hand-wash but I don't think I give a crap.

I rinsed my face and brushed my teeth, after that I undid my plait and scrunched my hair back into one, God knows why.

I grabbed my phone and shoved it down the shorts, but it only dropped onto the floor by going down the leg hole. Great going, Scar.

I was tired and had no patience so I grabbed my phone from the floor and shoved it in my bra, walking out happily knowing that it wont come out unless I backflip or something.

I walked down the hallway, the sound of my feet squelching on the mountain ground.

I walked straight into the kitchen, grabbing some left over pie that Roy had got from the Market for some reason.

It was cold but I still ate it, flavours of raspberry stained my buds, the rich and tangy fruits killed my sleepy side.

I just needed the perfect coffee..
I looked around to spot a old expresso machine in the corner of the kitchen. I smiled to myself and ran to it, grabbing the top but it snapped straight away.

Dear lord I need to control my preasure, or i'll end up killing someone.

I just filled a glass with water and gulped it down, giving out a deep burp and exhaling. with satisfaction.

Ten minutes passed, I decided to head to the gym and try out the stuff. I snatch an apple from the fruit bowl as I rush out the kitchen, I took a quick bite from the apple and scanned the place, all I could see was the main hall...

I sighed before someone quickly wrapped their arms around me from behind, I panicked and shoved the apple in their face, only to find Roy hugging me, not trying to prank me or anything.

"Apples" He laughed, wiping some of the juice off his face.

"Well done for kicking Canary's butt, I was gonna say yesterday but I got kinda..." He trailed off, looking at something behind us.

Superboy was standing there with a carton of milk, squashed.

"Give me those shorts back, tonight" He chucked the squashed carton of milk onto the floor and walked off.

"Yeah Roy, get off me before he gets his dog to maul me" I smack his bare arm and grab the apple on the floor.

"You're still gonna eat that?" He looked at me with confusion.

"Its food, were supposed to eat it, not bin it" I pointed, walking off to Le Gym.


It was huge, tons of unusual equipment and weapons... I almost fell over for a second.

From balancing beams to rubber bullet guns, it was amazing.
I put the apple down on the table and slammed the doors behind me, also another door on the other side of the room before i ran over to the gun stand.

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