Chapter 3 ~ OMG I met BOY WONDER!

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"Yeah you can go now, the 'healing' let you out early, anyways I'd better get going. Bye" The nurse pulls a fake smile and walks off with the tatty clipboard in her right hand. It held all my results and blood checks, the stuff you might want to waste your life on.

My bed sheet was draped across my body as if I was naked or something and I needed a cover-up. My legs were bandaged a bit and my thigh stab wound is wayyyyyy better, I'm not joking!

The wound has healed up like if I never got hit in the first place.

Doctors told me I was like a super-healer or something, in the joke way.

So that guy that ran through the hospital hallways, was my close Uncle, I called him Uncle Noogie. Probably cause he gave me noogies on the head and would tumble me over when I was young.

But now I'm old and that stuff, I have 'Woman' problems. This is one of the reasons I hate being a girl, well not the part where my dad hates me being a girl - But seriously, girls are vulnerable on streets at night, girls are the ones who get eyed up by guys.

I just hate it.

Never mind, just forget what I said. I just hate everything this world contains.

"Huston, we need reports on Scarlett Holmes, Over" My uncle croaked, his voice was robotic yet old. I loved his voice though, it was soothing and stuff.

"Sorry, went standby for a sec" I chuckled, chucking the sheets off my bare legs.

"Dayummmm, my legs look like they've been through hell and back or something" I dropped my jaw and smirked at my uncle.

"Yeah lol" He replied, emphasis on the 'L'.

"I bet I can bring the boys to my yard with these legs, I can even model!" I blurt with sarcasm mixed in my voice.

"Eh, not much" He replied, scratching his head while scanning my badly bruised legs.

"You're ok right?" He had worry clearly wrote on his face.

Im kidding

"Noogie man, am I missing mix martial arts today?" I asked, chewing my bottom lip with thought.

"I wouldn't go if I were you" He hummed.

"Ugh please, Kuysui needs to get his buttocks kicked by the girl who took down 'THE JOKER'" I giggled, strutting my failure hero pose.

"No" He replied seriously and walked to me.

"You're my little girl, well yeah - My niece, my lovely beautiful niece" He smiled and wrapped me in his muscular, protective arms.

"Replace lovely and beautiful with badass and butt-kicking machine" I giggled and snuggled in his chest.

"Righty, lets go home" He took me out of the hug and guided me back to the bed. I sat down and grabbed my combats and laced them on.

I watched my uncle walk outside and wait for me to finish.

I walked to my chinos and folded them up and slipped them into my back pack. I quickly walked to my SuperDry Japan Windcheater and slided it onto my torso.

And I just noticed - I WAS WEARING A TANK TOP!

Oh my gosh, I look like a Victorias secret model.

This is so tight, my uncle looked at me in this...

Is it bad to freak out? Oh lord, I JUST NOTICED! Robin and Kid saw me in this...

Lol, pfft. Im sexy and I know it.

Just sass it off Scar, your all that badass fabulousness.

I stopped going Scar-world and snap out of my over-reacting dreams. Striding out of the room, I notice everyone staring at me.

"Uncle, should we leg it?" I whisper, tugging on my backpack.

"Good idea, the ladies want me badly" He jokes, stepping behind me and letting me lead out to the exit.

I walk steadily, to avoid falls or any accidents on the way out. My uncle overtakes me when we arrive at the reception. He walks to the receptionist and signs the patient visiting book. He drots the words down and slams the pen down like hes just signed a cheque for 1,000,000 dollars.

"So, how was the hospitatlity" He asked randomly, I looked at him and raised a brow.

"Uh, it was ok. Yeah but the part where I met Robin and K.F was the most awkward and awesome time of my life" I screeched, waving my fists around in glee.

"Wait what?" He stiffened and clasped his mouth.

"WOAH" he chuckled and threw his hands in the air.

"Yeah, Robin was literally standing there staring at me, it was SO awkward OMG, but Kid Flash was cute, we have the same hair tone" I blabbered.

"Ooooh, you think hes cute?" He smiled and carried on walking.

"In like, a brotherly way. He's not my type hah" I laugh quietly.


"Yeah I guess, get your motorbike and i'll drive the car"


"And dont stop and start to defeat Bane will ya?" He chuckled, we seperated and walked opposite directions.

I chuckled and walked to my bike

This might sound weird but,

Robin looked Cute and adorable while staring at me... <3

Wow stop thinking its like puking rainbows

Ok, just ride your bike


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