Chapter 32 ~ Guy fight

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;~; Wally West / Kid Flash P.O.V ;~;

I grabbed a pretzel from the snack bowl and ran normally to the zeta tube, I was waiting for Robin to come back from is homecoming thing, he told me he was going out with that chick that took down the Joker. But seriously, if he isn't lieing this pretzel won't digest until I meet that girl again.

It's been hours anyway and I reckon Roy is going to come back soon too, apparently he was doing the multi-ladying trick, and Hey- Robin told me this, so if it isnt true dont point at me.. Geez.

As the pretzel entered my mouth, i pulled it out again as the Zeta tube announcer cut me off clean and shocked me. I was scared out my pants.

'Darn you Zeta Tube'

First, a raven muscular guy with some shades walks out and over to me, then the announcer starts babbling Roy's name and code. When Roy enters, he fixes his eyes on Robin's, even though his glases are like- I dont know, one way? So yeah you cant see the color of his eyes or how fat they are...

You get what i mean.

I start nibbling on the side of the pretzel, the outside was harder than M'gann's cookies but they still tasted heavenly.

Roy stepped out the tube with some fancy suit on.

I choked a second before someone came out behind him as well, just like the Zeta announcer said so.


And she was wearing a dress that looked like a banana leaf tied to Robin's cape and draped all over her

I fell face first on the ground with the pretzel shooting straight into my mouth.

"Hey, douche bag, whats wrong with my dress? Actually- Dont answer that" Artemis strolls up to me, lifts my cheeks and leaves it immediately, leaving me on the floor with Robin and Roy looking down at me in confusion.

"I can't believe..." Roy started murmuring, his voice was low but I was sure it was about that prom thingy-ma-jig.

"Dick, how could you?" Roy snapped his head up at Robin and I sprung up on my feet, alarmed at what Roy just called Robin.

"No swearing, dude thats not cool" I poke his chest with the slimey pretzel, but he just smacks my hand and the pretzel jets across the hall.

"Dude, that was the last ONE!" I scream, face palming before asking Roy why he called Robin a 'Dick'

"Why did you call Robin the 'D' Word!" I gruffed in shock, he rolled his eyes under his mask and crossed his arms, making me feel slightly dumb.

Robin sighed, before wedging his glasses off his face and turning his head at me.

"My name is Di-"

"Okay, just dont - So your name is 'Dick?'" I scratch my head and scrunched my eyebrows up.

"Umm yeah, but my real name is Richard" He sighs, frowning at Roy under his raven hair, I felt like Roy was slightly laughing at his name, I dont know... Probably because his parents called him the rudest part of the male body?

"Roy, do me a favour and shut up" Richard snapped, (Yeah, Richard)

"Excuse me what? Since when did I do something to upset you so much" Roy replied shocked and left in a pile.

"You took my date, she wasnt even yours!" Richard rolled his eyes.

 "Excuse me? You 4 dates and she wasnt one of them!" Roy barked, his jaws stiffened and he leaned forward to Richard, giving him a threatening look.

I turned to hear some footsteps echoing from the kitchen, slowly getting higher as they came to us.

"Guys, whats going on?" Black Canary rushed in with M'gann, Superboy and Aqualad and pushed them apart, standing in the middle to avoid them charging at each other.

The fact that this was over that Red-Head chick.

"Roy, why dont you just scurry back to Green arrow, stay under his armpit for some time eh?" Richard crossed his arms and teased.

"Robin, dont talk like that about my- Uh, umm Justice League members" Canary glared at Richard.

"Dick, why dont you grow up" Roy lunged forward shoved him into the training ring, he landed on his backside.

"Robin, status: FAIL" The Computer announced, making Roy smirk. 

"YOU..." Richard sprung up onto his feet and darted at Roy, tackling him to the ground and growled at him menacingly.

"Harper, dont be the ass you are" He tightened his grip on Roy's wrist and made it burn, although Roy didn't react to it.

Black canary sighed, face palming while Roy whispered something to Robin in a extremely deadly tone.

I couldn't hear it, but I'll ask Supey Ol' Pal, he's probably heard what he said to Robin, or Richard, or um.. D-Dick.

Once Black Canary sucessfully tore them apart with threats, I turned away and walked over to a shocked looking Superboy, his eyes were fixed on Roy, but he turned to me immediately when I apparoched.

"What?" He rudely questioned, folding his arms again like he always did. 

"What did Roy say to Dick at the end of the fight?" I ask, cocking my head to the right slightly, spotting my saliva-covered pretzel across the floor with a wet trail behind it.

"He said, I will screw your knickers up" He replied, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"NO NO, Not that! UGHH, When he tackled Roy to the ground!" I groaned, walking over to the pretzel and sniffing it, before sticking it back into my mouth.

"Oh. Right. He said that some girl called Scarlett hates him" Superboy shrugged and walked off after finishing his sentence.

"I need to talk to this chick, maybe ask her why so many hardcore guys fell in love with her so fast" I snort, finishing my pretzel, earning a look far from M'gann that showed she was clearly disgusted, she was greener than she normally was when I burped, licked my fingers and dusted the crums off my face.

Well wally, you have new a task on your list.

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