Chapter 23 ~ The Rising of the Renegade

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The cold engulfed me, I was now stood down beneath the incoming plane. The tracker had said that it would pass this beach bay in exactly eight minutes. The sky was gloomy and grey here at Gotham bay, I dont think this would be the best place to spend a family holiday, well - If you have a family.

I walked over to the dock and walked down the wooden planks until the edge was visible. I settled down at the edge and let my legs dangle off the end, watching the clouds shift across the sky slowly.

So I sat there and traced the rips of my jeans, remembering all the good times in my life,

;~; Flash back ;~;


"YOU SPEAK TOO MUCH" He laughed, dusting the extra snow off his hands. He cut me off with a smoothly moulded snowball flying into my face.

"Oh damn it" I sigh, rubbing my nose and sneezing lightly. He looks at me and smiles, then again, another snowball comes flying but I duck and grab a pile of snow while ducking, I scrunch it up and spring into his view, launching the cold white stuff at my egotistical uncle.

"Oh poo" He chuckles, trying to laugh off his failure.

"Poo indeed" I state sarcastically. He nods and walks to me, wrapping his arms around my tiny body, considering I'm only like, 9?

"You're turning ten in a few days, then its Christmas! How I wish my birthday was near Christmas" He laughs, patting me quick hard on the back, knowing I could take the thrust.

"You guys should get inside, Scarlett - Your dad is going to turn up any second from the military trials. You dont want to annoy him today, imagine all those people that failed to join the army" My mum hops outside, walking through the clean tracks of concrete, trying to avoid the snow.

She was dressed oddly, in a lounging gown and some fuzzy slippers, her hair was propped up in curlers and she looked like a over-pampered tart.

"Right, lets go" My uncle forcefully pushed me inside and we all sat down and slumped all over the bottom of the staircase.

A few loud minutes of shivering and teeth chattering, a loud clunk and thud came from the door, but our eyes were unable to see who it was due to the wall that stood right next to the entrance.

"Three girls" He groaned, stepping inside and kicking his caterpillar boots off to the side, he entered and continued his chopped up sentence.

"Three of them tried to join the Military and failed, one couldnt even crawl through the wire domes - She couldnt get her ass down on the ground" He laughed and hinted at me. His eyes flashed on mine and I knew he was aiming the conversation on me. Every damn time.

My mother walked to him and pulled his jacket off without question or concern. He shook it off and coughed, heading over to the alcohol bar.

I felt my uncle's breathing get heavier, I turned to see him looking down at me first.

"Ignore him Scar, you're going to be better than all of them..."

"Even your father"

;~; End of Flashback ;~;

I froze in place and felt something wet slither down my cheek.

And no, its not a tear.

Thankfully it was the rain.

I hopped up and fell back down again, a loud rush of wind wiped me off my feet. And this was no way normal. Something was going on.

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