Chapter 20 ~ Every hero needs to shop

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;~; ROY HARPER'S P.O.V ;~;

I sprung up, my lungs trading oxygen and carbon dioxide like madness. I look around my surroundings, Mount Justice. Again.

I took in a deep breath and thanked the lord that the dream I just had wasn't real.

"Darn you imagination" I groan, throwing the sheets off my legs.



I collapse onto my bed, my head hanging and my arms aching like a tooth, but well - Its arms.

The teleporting wore me out, all the energy flowed off my back and now I'm sat here doing heavy breathing.

Oh and, by the way, I finished teleporting all my bedroom stuff to the hotel room. So thats probably why im breathing like crazy. 

I peel my hoodie off and hold it in my hands, the look of it was disgusting. While teleporting my uniform I spilt some expired chocolate milkshake all over the it.

I stare at it then turn my head to the door, I drop the hoodie on the carpet across the boxes of furniture and head off outside, grabbing my wallet and keys on the way out.

The smell of roast and dinner steamed up my nose, I walked down the carpeted hallway and into the elevator, a few other people jumped in too. I nailed the ground floor button with my index finger and reversed into the elevator corner, letting the others choose their destinations.

Some stupid conga music starts to play, triggering my uneasiness. I stand there in my sports bra and ripped jeans, looking like a street thug while the others were dressed in fancy skirts and suit pants. 

"Ground Floor" The elevator chirped, I quickly speeded out and felt the humidity levels change. It was way more airy down here in the lobby than upstairs.

I carried on and signed out, carrying on and stided outside. I walked down the street like a normal person would, my eyes glued to the ground, walking silently with the other crowds to shops and malls.

Need a new hoodie or jacket

Yeah, and some fingerless gloves.

more of these, just incase i rip them.

Yeah, thats great

I smile to myself and pause when I hear a loud car honk from the left. My head cranks to the sound and I find the same sleek black limo that Dick had.

Not now..

I crouch down a bit and find Dick in the back, it was hard spotting him since the glass was one-way. I could only see his broad figure, thats all.

The driver's window started rolling down, thats when my ideas sprung up. I had to run, fast - Like really fast.

I turn my head to the right and find myself right next to a clothing store, I quickly sprint around and fling the door open, rushing inside.

"Ma'am, can I help you?" A blonde haired boy walked up to me, a pencil slided through the top his ear. His cheeks went rosy but after a solid minute he regaine dhis normal state.

"Oh uh, do you have jackets? Leather ones?" my eyes wandered around the shop when my sight was hooked onto this midnight black leather jacket with short sleeves and a gold zip. IT literally had 'PERFECT' written all over it.

"Wait, that one" I point to it and he responds immediantly.

"Lets go look then" He smiles and gives me a 'Ladies first' sign and I lead the way.

When we arrive, the jacket looks different from what I saw from afar. It looked like the coats you wore in a casino, the ones for the hookers - Yeah, I said hookers.

"Are you su-"

"Erm, sorry - Are there any others?" I ask, cutting him off rudely. But he doesnt mind, he just continues.

"We have lots, follow me" He starts walking and I follow him confidently, he leads me up to a mannequin and then presents it by curling his wrists.

"This is a biker jacket, plain and one hundred percent leather. It's durable and wont rip in a long time" He blabbers and I had my eyes on the details. 

"Right.. Thanks I'll buy it - Do you have any fingerless gloves and knee high combats?" I stretch my hand out and feel the leather between my fingers.

"We have everything, follow me miss" He smirks proudly and walks off, me behind him.


After I had bought everything, I ran outside and saw the limo vanished and the crowds of people gone. It was probably about five in the evening and dark was starting to bleed into the sky. 

I was walking down the street to the public bathrooms or a abandoned alley to teleport to my hotel and get changed, I had to start investigating the picture I saw of my parents in a plane crash. 

I had a sour feeling about this.

I dont know why

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