Chapter 7

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The walk back to Jacobi's was eventful to say the very least.

Specs kept on insisting that he was able to walk on his own and tried to push Romeo away from him to prove it but after falling down a grand total of four times he gave up and let Romeo help him.

Romeo kept pulling Specs into his side so he couldn't get away after the second fall.

He turned his head away from Specs so he wouldn't notice the blush slowly creeping it's way up his neck.

When they finally arrived at Jacobi's, the Newsies all rushed up at the sight of Romeo dragging a bloody Specs through the door.

Davey moved quickly across the room to help Romeo bring him to a seat.

"What happened?" he asked once they got him seated and gave him a glass of water.

"The Delanceys took his glasses and he ran into a wall," he explained quickly while Davey started trying to wipe some of the blood off of Specs.

Specs swatted his hands away and rolled his eyes. "That makes me sound stupid. I didn't just run into the wall for fun. I couldn't see," he complained and started explaining what happened.

Romeo grabbed Specs' hands to stop him from trying to stop Davey. The blush that rose on Specs' cheeks went unnoticed by most but a few whistles were heard from those who did.

"It isn't broken, I think you hit it hard just enough to bruise it badly but it definitely isn't broken," he explained looking at it. "It's too straight to be broken."

"That's funny since I'm not," Specs said sarcastically. He sat there for a second before what he said dawned on him. "I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Even if he had been planning to say it out loud it wouldn't have mattered, he happened to be surrounded by what was arguably the most accepting group of boys in the world.

"Yes, there's another of us," Race shouted at no one in particular.

Jack shook his head while laughing lightly.

The Newsies all laughed and Romeo was screaming with joy inside himself now that he had a chance with with his crush.

Once Davey was done checking Specs, he let him go to sit with whoever he wanted.

"Just don't do too much that might hurt it," Davey shouted after him. "And no running into walls."

The boys all laughed and Specs tried to hide his face in his hands.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Specs asked groaning at how many times he'd been made fun of for it and it had only been ten minutes.

"Nope," Romeo said with a broad smile on his face.

Specs sighed but nodded in acceptance anyway, knowing it would be hopeless to try argue.

The Newsies went on chatting like nothing had happened, except for Specs and the wall, which was mentioned a grand total of fifteen times.

In the first half hour.

Eventually Davey had to tell them to leave him be and limit their teasing to once every five minutes.

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