Chapter 11

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Specs arrived back to the lodging house from selling to find most of the Newsies back already.

Race, Mike, Tommy Boy and Henry were playing poker. Thought it could be argued that Race was playing poker and the rest were being annihilated by him.

Jack and Crutchie were drawing. Jack thought all the Newsies who wanted to know how to draw to draw, Crutchie was the only one who had much interest in it though.

Albert, JoJo, Finch and Ike were playing switch since they found it to be easier to play and more fun. The fact that Race never played it also made them like it more since they then had an actual chance at winning.

Davey was sitting with Buttons who was sewing. Davey was reading and both boys made no attempts at interaction but they enjoyed having each other there just so they didn't feel lonely.

Specs guessed that the rest of the Newsies were either out selling still or on their way back.

He walked up in the direction of the bunk room to leave his bag and hat up there and to see if Romeo was there.

When he didn't find him up there he walked back to the living area, thinking he might have just missed him.

"Hey guys," he greeted them all once he reached the entrance. "Has anyone seen Romeo?"

Davey looked up and placed a bookmark in his book. "No, I don't think he's back yet."

Specs nodded and turned around to go sit on one of the couches with a direct line of sight at the door.

For the first while he didn't mind just sitting there until he started to get bored so he went over to the library.

They called it a library but it was really just a bookshelf with a limited collection of books.

Specs scanned the shelf to see what was there, making sure to stick his tongue out at Romeo & Juliet, before his eyes landed on one of his favourite books, Les Miserables.

Even if it was extremely depressing and Victor Hugo went of on tangents quite often, he still enjoyed it. He liked the bravery of the boys in it and it reminded him somewhat of the strike, just their strike had a far better outcome.

Once he picked the first volume, his favourite, off the shelf he walked back over to the couch and sat back down with his legs curled up beside him.

He had read about a hundred pages when he started to get very worried.

All of the Newsies were back, except Race who had left to go to the Sheepshead Races and Romeo, obviously, and Specs was seriously considering sending a while search party after him.

After reading another twenty or so pages Specs decided that enough was enough and it was time to tell Jack.

"Jack. Romeo isn't back yet. I'm going out to find him," he stated, leaving no room for argument.

Jack half nodded, half shook his head. "I know and I want to go out too but it's going to get dark soon. It's too dangerous."

Specs started to argue with Jack but was quickly cut off by Davey coming to join them.

He wrapped one of his arms around Jack's waist and grabbed Jack's hand with the other.

Specs felt a burning in the backs of his eyes at the thought of never being able to hold Romeo's hand like that.

"What if two go out for an hour, tops, to try and find him and if you don't, you can look after selling tomorrow," Davey suggested, looking between the pair.

Jack thought about it for a moment before nodding and going to grab his hat.

He was almost at the stairs when he heard someone running up behind him.

He turned around and was met with Specs pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you Jacky," he whispered.

"Any time."

659 words

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