Chapter 46

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Specs and Romeo walked back to the Lodging House the same way they had came earlier that morning.

All was going well until Specs started to drag Romeo down a street neither of them recognised.

"Where are we going?" Romeo asked him once they'd travelled farther down the street.

Specs shrugged and looked around quickly before dragging Romeo off in a different direction.

"Specs," he said somewhat sternly. It wasn't that stern more just trying to get an answer from him. "Where are we going, love?"

Specs looked back at where they came from before he stopped walking.

"I'm sorry, I saw him and Jack told me that if I ever saw him to get away," he rushed out, trying to get everything he wanted to say out. "I don't want to go back."

Romeo saw that he was starting to get worked up so he brought his hand up to Specs' shoulder and started rubbing circles into his shoulder.

"It's okay," he reassured. "You'll never have to go back there."

Specs looked him in the eyes and was filled with a whole new level of love for the shorter boy.

Just the look of love made him want to kiss him.

And the colour of his eyes made Specs feel like he wasn't even on Earth anymore.

They were a light brown, like soil, with little specs of gold throughout it.

It made Specs feel like he was in a forest.

The brown was the ground and the specs were the sunlight rays coming through the trees to illuminate the journey.

"You okay?" Romeo asked, bringing Specs train of thought away from Romeo's eyes. "You were sort of just staring at me for a while."

"Sorry, it's just your eyes are so beautiful," Specs mumbled as he blushed.

Romeo grinned and wrapped his arm around Specs' shoulders.

"What was that?" he teased. "I didn't hear you."

"You have nice eyes," he mumbled again.

Romeo grinned and made Specs repeat what he had said for the third time.

"Your eyes are nice to look at and I love you," Specs said clearer with a deep blush incredibly evident on his neck and cheeks.

Romeo smiled and put his hand on his heart. "Thank you love. That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me," he joked.

Specs groaned and started to walk in a random direction. "This is why I can't be alone with you. You just make me blush," he complained.

Romeo grinned and ran up behind him.

"Catch me," he shouted as he jumped in the air towards Specs.

Specs turned around and grabbed Romeo before he hit the ground.

"Hi," Romeo said with a smile. "I guess I couldn't help but fall for you."

Specs rolled his eyes and started to walk in what he hoped was the direction of the Lodging House.

Romeo looked up at him from where Specs was carrying him bridal style.

"You're my knight in shining armour," Romeo gushed as he was carried.

Specs chuckled lightly and leaned down to kiss Romeo's forehead.

He leaned down a certain way so that it may also look like he was just whispering to him in case anybody walked by.

Thankfully nobody did but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

550 words

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